Metin Goktepe

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Metin Göktepe (born April 10, 1969 in Gürün ; † January 8, 1996 ) was a Turkish journalist. He first worked for the Gerçek magazine and later for the Evrensel newspaper .

When Göktepe wanted to report on the funeral of two prisoners killed in custody in the Istanbul district of Eyüp on January 8, 1996 , he was arrested along with around 1,000 other people in a mass arrest. After he was arrested, he was beaten up by several police officers. He was then refused medical treatment and died of his injuries that same day.

The autopsy showed that "death occurred from subdural and arachnoid cerebral haemorrhage and tissue bleeding caused by severe head trauma". In addition, the body of the corpse had "very many severe traumatic lesions and a broken rib". The case caused a stir in Turkey and abroad. In early 1998, five out of eleven police officers charged were sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for negligent homicide . The verdict was criticized by human rights organizations as too lenient.

The five police officers were the first in Turkey to be convicted of killing a journalist. However, after one year and eight months in detention, they were released under an amnesty.

In order to preserve the memory of him and to honor his special contribution to the freedom of the press, Evrensel has been awarding the Metin Göktepe Journalism Prize since 1998 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Pascal Beucker : How Metin Göktepe was murdered , Junge Welt, November 7, 1997
  2. Pascal Beucker: Outrage over police officers' verdict , Frankfurter Rundschau, March 20, 1998.
  3. İşkence ile öldürülen Metin Göktepe mezarı başında anıldı , Posta, January 8, 2017.