Metzler Foundation

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The non-profit Albert and Barbara von Metzler Foundation , or Metzler Foundation for short, particularly supports children and young people. In addition, she supports projects in education and health, in science and research, environmental and nature protection, development aid, art and culture and helps with social needs. The foundation is based in Frankfurt am Main . It was founded in 1998 by the banker Friedrich von Metzler .


Under the board of Sylvia von Metzler, a board of trustees advises on the projects and supports them financially as well as with advice and action: employees of the Metzler bank are won as “sponsors” for all projects or initiatives funded .


In addition to support through donations, selected projects are funded through the tried and tested Matching Fund Plus formula “1 + 1 = 3” . To this end, the Metzler Foundation first donates an agreed amount, and an employee of the Metzler Bank takes on the donation sponsorship for the project. If the sponsor succeeds in persuading third parties to donate at least the same amount, the project will receive the amount of the Metzler Foundation donation as a bonus.

This model was first carried out in 1999 on the occasion of the bank's 325th anniversary. The bank provided ten Frankfurt cultural institutions in a first tranche of 1 million D-Mark. The institutes then had a year to collect this sum again themselves. The target was exceeded by far. Projects with a total value of around 6 million D-Marks were realized.


The reading promotion project “ Ear Reads With ”, supported by the Metzler Foundation, was awarded the German Business Culture Prize in 2006.

In 2004, the Metzler Foundation, together with the Ulm Transfer Center for Neurosciences and Learning, founded the "Network for Brain Research and School", which has set itself the task of checking the findings of brain research on learning processes in practical application. In 2008 this network was “Selected Landmark in the Land of Ideas” . This means that the “Network for Brain Research and School” is part of the “365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas” series of events organized by the Germany - Land of Ideas initiative.

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