Mhire track

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Mhire track
location Ellsworthland , West Antarctica
part of Heritage Range , Ellsworth Mountains
Mhire Spur (Antarctica)
Mhire track
Coordinates 79 ° 33 ′  S , 83 ° 50 ′  W Coordinates: 79 ° 33 ′  S , 83 ° 50 ′  W

The Mhire Spur is a mountain ridge in the Ellsworth Mountains of West Antarctica Ellsworthland . It extends from the heights around Mount Sporli in a westerly direction and forms the south face of the Larson Valley .

The United States Geological Survey mapped it based on its own surveys and aerial photographs of the United States Navy from 1961 to 1966. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named him in 1966 after Clifford J. Mhire, who was the chief operator during Operation Deep Freeze 1966 was responsible for the transport of aviation fuel from the McMurdo station to the nearby Williams Field airfield .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Mhire Spur ( English ) In: Geographic Names Information System . United States Geological Survey . Retrieved July 16, 2010.