Michael C. Seto

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Michael C. Seto

Michael Chikong Seto (* 1967 ) is a Canadian sexologist and psychologist who is best known for his studies and publications on the subjects of paraphilia , sexual abuse and child pornography .


Michael C. Seto studied biopsychology at the University of British Columbia and received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Queen's University in Kingston . He is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto .

The sexologist is considered a leading expert in research into sexual crimes committed on the Internet , especially in the field of child pornography. Among other things, he deals with the question of the extent to which the consumption of child pornographic material influences the risk of sexual assault on children.

In various studies, Seto found that men convicted of possessing or distributing child pornography are much more likely to exhibit a pedophile arousal pattern than men who have committed physical child sexual abuse. Consuming child pornography is therefore a relatively reliable indicator of the existence of sexual interest in children ( pedophilia ). As part of the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , he therefore recommended that the criteria for diagnosing a pedophilic disorder be expanded accordingly. When assessing the representations, it is irrelevant whether the persons depicted are real or virtual prepubertal children.

The Canadian publishes regularly in sex science journals such as the Archives of Sexual Behavior or in Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment , of which he has been editor since 2015. He is the author of the books Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children and Internet Sex Offenders , published in 2008 and 2013, respectively .


In 2012, Seto published an article in which he advocated characterizing pedophilia as a sexual orientation in public and sex science discussions . Under certain circumstances, this could lead to society being more tolerant towards non-violent pedophiles who, like heterosexuals and homosexuals, have not chosen their inclination. With such an attitude, it would be easier to provide those affected with adequate therapy offers and in this way to prevent child sexual abuse. At the same time, he emphasized in several publications that he considers the classification of pedophilia as a mental disorder to be appropriate.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Internet Sex Offenders by Michael Seto, Reviewed by Philip H. Witt in: American Psychology Law Society, Fall 2013 News
  2. MC Seto, R. Karl Hanson, KM Babchishin: Contact Sexual Offending by Men With Online Sexual Offenses. In: Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 23, 2011, p. 124, doi : 10.1177 / 1079063210369013 .
  3. Michael C. Seto, James M. Cantor, Ray Blanchard: Child pornography offenses are a valid diagnostic indicator of pedophilia. In: Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 115, 2006, p. 610, doi : 10.1037 / 0021-843X.115.3.610
  4. Michael C. Seto: Child Pornography Use and Internet Solicitation in the Diagnosis of Pedophilia. In: Archives of Sexual Behavior. 39, 2010, p. 593, doi : 10.1007 / s10508-010-9603-6 .
  5. ^ Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment
  6. Michael C. Seto: Is pedophilia a sexual orientation? In: Archives of sexual behavior. Volume 41, Number 1, February 2012, pp. 231-236, doi : 10.1007 / s10508-011-9882-6 , PMID 22218786 .
  7. Fred S. Berlin, Wolfgang Berner a. a .: Peer Commentaries on Green (2002) and Schmidt (2002) In: Archives of Sexual Behavior. 31 doi : 10.1023 / A: 1020603214218 .
  8. Michael C. Seto: Child Pornography Use and Internet Solicitation in the Diagnosis of Pedophilia. In: Archives of Sexual Behavior. 39, 2010, p. 591, doi : 10.1007 / s10508-010-9603-6 .