Michael Guglhör

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Michael Guglhör (born March 13, 1897 in Unterau near Schlehdorf am Kochelsee , Upper Bavaria , † September 10, 1943 in Levie on Corsica ) was a German SS leader. He was best known as a leading figure in the early phase of the SS.

Life and activity

On March 18, 1926, Guglhör joined the NSDAP ( membership number 34.017). From March 18, 1926 to May 1, 1927 Guglhör also belonged to the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary fighting organization of the NSDAP. On May 1, 1927, he switched to the Schutzstaffel , the party-internal police force of the NSDAP, in which he took over the post of leader of the Munich SS. By request of December 27, 1927, to the head of the SS, Guglhör declared his resignation for family reasons. The background to this was the extramarital relationship between Guglhör's wife and an SS member named Max Hauth, who was subordinate to him. The then Reichsführer of the SS, Erhard Heiden , granted this request in his reply of December 28, 1927.

The leadership of the SS in Munich subsequently passed to Sepp Dietrich . Guglhör then belonged to the staff of SS Section I until World War II, most recently with the rank of SS Sturmbannführer.

By order of Hitler on December 28, 1927, Guglhör and his opponent Hauth were excluded from the NSDAP for the duration of Guglhör's divorce suit. After the divorce suit was withdrawn, Guglhör returned to the NSDAP in 1928.

Guglhör's 1938 and 1943 residence at Perlacher Strasse 49 is listed in the Munich address books. 1954 no longer.


Personal files on Guglhör have been preserved in the Federal Archives: For example an SS personal file and a file from the Supreme Party Court of the NSDAP on him (microfilm OPG D 84, 101-160).


  • Mathias Rösch: The Munich NSDAP 1925–1933. An investigation into the internal structure of the NSDAP in the Weimar Republic. 2002

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Munich address book for 1938 and Munich address book for 1943
  2. http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/w/index.php?title=Datei%3AMuenchen-AB-1954.djvu&page=299 .