Michael H. Schenk

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Michael Herwig Schenk (* 7. June 1955 in Bonn ) is a German Fantasy - has been recently renovated and science fiction - author .


After graduating from secondary school in Bonn in 1972, he began an apprenticeship as an optician before switching to the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief for health reasons . There he became a trainer and later a teacher

In 2006 he published the first novel in his horse lords series, which is designed for 12 novels. After MIRA-Verlag was unable to complete the series, it decided to switch to Arcanum Fantasy Verlag, which temporarily means an interruption of the regular half-yearly publication. The Horse Lord Universe also includes other books such as the Dwarfs of the Sea series. In addition to fantasy, he also wrote thrillers. Currently (as of 2015) he is working on a historical novel series dealing with the cavalry of the 19th century in America. Furthermore, four books in the Sky Trooper series have been published, which address the science fiction sector.


The Horse Lord Series (Fantasy)

Fantasy novels (from the world of the horse lord series)

Science fiction

Historical novels

Single novels

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michael H. Schenk: About the person. 2014, accessed December 20, 2016 .
  2. Michael H. Schenk: News / Infos. August 12, 2016. Retrieved December 20, 2016 .