Michael Niehaus

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Michael Niehaus (born January 20, 1959 in Bonn ) is a German philologist and literary scholar .


After receiving his doctorate in 1993 from the University of Essen as Dr. phil. and the habilitation in Essen 2001, he taught as a professor from 2010 to 2014 at the TU Dortmund and since 2014 at the FernUniversität Hagen .

His research interests are literary theory / literary history: narrative literature of the 19th century, narrative theory, interpretation theory, classical modernism / contemporary literature, family communication in drama and cultural theory / media theory: literature - institution - speech act, intermedial narratology, theory of subject position, television and institutionality, narrative structures.

Fonts (selection)

Editorships (selection)

  • Rüdiger Campe / Michael Niehaus (eds.): Law. Irony. Heidelberg 2004, ISBN 3935025629 .
  • Christian Lück / Michael Niehaus / Peter Risthaus / Manfred Schneider (eds.): Archive of the example. Preparatory work and considerations. Zurich / Berlin 2013, ISBN 3037342528 .
  • Claudia Öhlschläger / Michael Niehaus (eds.): WG Sebald manual. Life - work - effect. Stuttgart 2017, ISBN 3476025624 .

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