Michael Schmachtenberger

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Michael Schmachtenberger (also Michael Schmagenberger ; * in Volkach ; † October 9, 1640 ) was provost of the Augustinian canons in Heidenfeld for a total of 17 days in 1640 .

Heidenfeld before Schmachtenberger

The monastery experienced an extensive decline under the predecessors of Schmachtenberger, which was mainly triggered by the Thirty Years War . Again and again the monastery was devastated by the allied troops of the prince-bishopric and their Protestant opponents and the monastery villages suffered from hunger. In order to remedy the grievances, Provost Johannes Baumann set out for Schweinfurt . There he was probably poisoned. However, it was also possible to bring the remains of Liborius Wagner into the pen.


Michael Schmachtenberger was born in the Franconian city of Volkach in the 16th or 17th century. The family of the future provost were respected citizens in the city, they can be traced back to Volkach in the 18th century. Schmachtenberger perhaps attended the Volkach Latin School in order to later attend the university in the diocese metropolis of Würzburg . He joined the Heidenfeld Abbey at an early age and quickly rose within the hierarchy.

Before his election as provost, Schmachtenberger held the office of pastor in the monastery village of Wipfeld and was at the same time dean of the monastery's own deanery. When Provost Johannes VIII Baumann died in Schweinfurt under unexplained circumstances, the Canons elected Michael Schmachtenberger on September 22, 1640 as their new head. Schmachtenberger was provost for only about two weeks and died on October 9, 1640.


  • Norbert Backmund: The canons and their monasteries in Bavaria. Augustinian Canons, Premonstratensians, Canons v. Holy Spirit, Antonite . Passau 1966.
  • Benvenut Stengele : The former Augustinian Canons Monastery of Klosterheidenfeld am Main (Lower Franconia) (= calendar for Catholic Christians for the year 1897) . Sulzbach in the Upper Palatinate 1896.
  • Johannes Zimmermann: Heidenfeld - parish and village. 1141-1991 . Münsterschwarzach 1991.

Individual evidence

  1. Backmund, Norbert: The canons and their pens in Bavaria . P. 85.
  2. ^ Stengele, Benvenut: The former Augustinian Canons Monastery of Klosterheidenfeld am Main . P. 121.
  3. ^ Zimmermann, Johannes: Heidenfeld - village and parish . P. 57.