Michelangelo Riccardo Maria Tiribilli

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Michelangelo Riccardo Maria Tiribilli OSBOliv (born March 18, 1937 in Florence , Italy ) is abbot emeritus of Monte Oliveto Maggiore in Italy.


Michelangelo Riccardo Maria Tiribilli joined the order of the Olivetans and was ordained a priest on July 2, 1961 . On October 16, 1992, he was elected Abbot of Monte Oliveto Maggiore and thus also Abbot General of all Olivetans worldwide. For reasons of age, he resigned from his post on October 21, 2010.

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predecessor Office successor
Maurizio Benvenuto Maria Contorni Territorial Abbot of Monte Oliveto Maggiore
Diego Gualtiero Rosa
Maurizio Benvenuto Maria Contorni Abbot General of the Olivetans
Diego Gualtiero Rosa