Michelle Becka

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Michelle Becka (* 1972 ) is a German Roman Catholic theologian and university professor for Christian social ethics at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg . Her main research areas include a. in the field of ethical questions in the context of the penal system and prison chaplaincy, basic questions of ethics, political ethics (especially ethics and migration), legal ethics, ethics and interculturality and Latin American theology.


After studying Catholic theology in Tübingen and Cochabamba , Bolivia, he received his doctorate at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Tübingen in 2004 . From 2002 to 2005 she worked as theological policy advisor at the Episcopal Action Adveniat . This was followed by a position as a research assistant and substitute professor at the Department of Catholic Theology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. In 2012 she moved to the University of Mainz , where in 2015 the habilitation process was completed with the award of the Venia Legendi for the subject of "Christian Social Ethics". After a visiting professorship at the KHSB Berlin and the substitute professorship for Christian Social Science at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg , she has held the professorship for Christian social ethics there since July 2016.

Michelle Becka is co-editor of the international theological journal CONCILIUM .


  • Punishment and rehabilitation. Introduction to an ethics of the prison system, Forum Sozialethik vol. 16, Münster 2016, ISBN 978-3402106426 .
  • Ethics in the prison system. Tasks, opportunities, limits, Stuttgart 2015, ISBN 978-3170263079 .
  • Together with Rethmann, Albert-Peter (ed.), Ethics and Migration - Societal Challenges and Socio-Ethical Reflection, Paderborn 2010, ISBN 978-3506769398 .
  • Interculturality in Thinking Raúl Fornet-Betancourts, Intercultural Library Vol. 43, Verlag Traugott Bautz, Nordhausen 2007, ISBN 978-3-88309-215-7 .
  • (Interculturalidade no pensamento de Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, translation: Benno Dischinger, Sao Leopoldo 2010.)
  • Recognition in the context of intercultural philosophy. An ethical contribution to the outcome of Bolivian song texts, Frankfurt 2005, ISBN 978-3889397478 .

Series edition together with Eurich, Johannes; Emunds, Bernhard; Kubon-Gilke, Gisela; Meireis, Torsten; Möhring-Hesse, Matthias, Ethics and Society, at Nomos-Verlag, since 2016.

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