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As a mile, the Miglio was an old, very different Italian measure of length. It was often provided with the addition of the region of its validity. For example, there was the Tuscan, Sicilian or Neapolitan Miglio. The dimension was derived as part of the meridian distance for one degree.


  • 1 Miglio / Tuscan Mile = 2833.333 Braccii = 1653.6748 meters
  • 67.3086 Miglio = 1 equatorial degree
  • 1 square miglio = 2,734,640.344155 square meters = 2.734640344155 square kilometers


  • 1 Miglio = 1000 Passi = 1855.11 meters
  • 60 Miglio = 1 equatorial degree
  • 1 square miglio = 3,441,432.7 square meters = 3.441438 square kilometers


  • 1 Miglio = 45 cords = 5760 Palmi = 1486.656 meters = 1.486 kilometers
  • 74.8704 Miglio = 1 equatorial degree
  • 1 square miglio = 2,210,146.062336 square meters = 2,210146 square kilometers


  • 1 Miglio Veneto / Venediger Meile = 1000 Passi = 1738.876 meters
  • 64.0181 Miglio Veneto = 1 equatorial degree
  • 1 square Miglio Veneto = 1,000,000 square passi = 3022.988 square meters = 3.022988 square kilometers


  • 1 Miglio Lombardo / old Lombard mile = 3000 Braccii = 1784.808 meters
  • 62.3682 Miglio Lombardo = 1 equatorial degree
  • 1 square Miglio Lombardo = 9,000,000 square braccii = 3,185,539.697 square meters = 3.1855396 square kilometers


  • 1 Miglio = 800 Trabucchi = 2466.0768 meters
  • 45.1361 old Piedmont Miglio = 1 equatorial degree
  • 1 square Miglio Piedmont = 6,081,534.7835 square meters = 6.08153586 square kilometers

In addition to these different dimensions, a uniform Miglio as land and sea mile (Miglio di mare) in Italy as the new Miglio with the dimensions

  • 1 Miglio (new) = 1000 Passi = 7000 Palmi = 1851.852 meters (rounded 1852 meters)

widespread and was equivalent to the nautical miles of other countries. 60 Miglio went on an equatorial degree.


  • Leopold Carl Bleibtreu : Handbook of coin, measure and weight and the exchange-government paper, banking and stock system of European and non-European countries and cities. Published by J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart 1863.
  • Hermann Haack : Geographical yearbook. Volume 1, Geographisch-Kartographische Anstalt Gotha, Justus Perthes, Gotha 1866.
  • Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios ..., Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851.
  • Karl Rumler: Overview of dimensions, weights, etc. Currencies of the most excellent countries ..., Verlag Jasper, Hügel u. Manz, Vienna 1849.