Mihály Fazekas

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Sculpture by Sámuel Diószegi and Mihály Fazekas on the grounds of the Debrecen University. Fazekas is shown seated
Mihálys Fazeka's grave

Mihály Fazekas (born January 6, 1766 in Debrecen , † February 23, 1828 there ) was a Hungarian poet and botanist .


He started school in his hometown, in 1779 he finished the 6th grade of the grammar school. On April 20, 1781 he became a student at the Debrecen college; his teachers were Fr. István Szathmáry, István Hatvani, János Varjas and Miklos Sinai. Because he felt neglected, he fell out with his teachers and entered the 84th Cavalry Regiment on April 16, 1782. There he was deployed with his department in the Turkish War and the French War, fought at Rajná and a short time later became a hussar officer. However, he was of a gentle, calm, withdrawn nature and therefore did not enjoy the war life. In 1796 he turned away from this unpopular profession.

He returned to his hometown and married a daughter of István Veszprémi, a well-known doctor from Debrecen. He loved botany and wrote poetry on the side. In 1807 he was elected church administrator. He was a member of the Debrecen circle and was in contact with Mihály Csokonai Vitéz and Ferenc Kazinczy . In his final years he suffered from many illnesses that were the aftermath of his military service.

In his main work " Ludas Matyi " (which was also made into a film) he describes humorous stories about the goose herder Matyi who wants to sell his animals at the market. The motifs are wandering stories that circulated in different areas, but were given a Hungarian flavor by Fazekas.


  • Magyar füvészkönyv, mely a két magyar hazában találtatható növényeknek megismerésére vezet, a Linné alkotmánya szerént. Debrecen, 1807. Két rész., Diószegi Sámuellel dolgozta ki. (Hungarian Botany Book)
  • Orvosi füvész-Könyv mint a magyar füvészkönyv Praktikai része. Debrecen, 1813. - Neve ugyan nem fordul elő a címlapon, azonban, hogy neki is része volt benne, nem kétséges, mert ez kitűnik az előző mű előszavából. E két munka megalkotta a magyar botanika nomenklaturáját, fölhasználva a népies elnevezéseket, és ha szükséges volt, alkotott ugyan új neveket, de mindig népies gyökökből vagy népies észjáve észjár. (Medical botany book)
  • Lúdas Matyi. - "Geese Matthias"; these stories were based on folk tales. The first edition appeared in Vienna in 1815, without the knowledge of the poet. Fazekas wrote on November 15, 1815 to the editor that he had written "Lúdas Matyi" and revised the text of his work. As a result, the 2nd edition appeared in 1817 as an improved edition with the initials "FM" on the title page.
  • Csillag óra, melyből a ki a jelesebb álló csillagokat esmeri, az esztendőnek minden tiszta éjjelén és annak minden részeiben, megtudhatja, hány óra és fertály légyen. Debrecen, 1826.
  • Fazekas Mihály versei. Összegyűjkötte Lovász Imre. Pest, 1836. (poems)
  • Fazekas Mihály wrote the 127th song of the Evangelical Reformed hymnal
  • Levelei Debrecenből Kazinczy Ferenczhez, 1805th aug. 20. (Kazinczy Levelezése III.), Kerekes Ferenchez 1815. nov. 24. (Delejtű 1859. 286. l.), Fodor Gerzsonhoz 1826. ápr. 22. a Figyelőben (V. 1878.). (Letters)


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