Mihály Jassó

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Mihály Jassó (born May 21, 1936 in Budafok , Budapest ) is a former Hungarian politician of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) , who was among other things first secretary of the MSZMP city council of Budapest from 1988 to 1989. On April 12, 1989 he was elected a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the MSZMP and belonged to this top management body of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party until June 24, 1989.


Jassó left school at the age of 14 and then worked as an unskilled worker in various machine factories in Budafok until 1954. After completing a secondary school qualification, he completed a teacher training course as a primary school teacher, which he completed in 1955. Then he worked as a primary school teacher in Csepel . During this time he joined the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) as a member and became a member of the council from the districts of Csepel-Belváros, Csepel-Kertváros, Csepel-Ófalu, Csepel-Rózsadomb, Csillsepel-Szózsadomb, Erdőalja, Erdősor, Gyártelep, Háros, Királyerdő, Királymajor, Szigetcsúcs existing XXI. Budapest's Csepel district .

In 1976 he moved to the party headquarters of the MSZMP and became an instructor in the Central Committee department for party organization and mass organizations, before becoming administrative and later organizational secretary of the MSZMP city leadership of Budapest on October 18, 1983. Afterwards he was a member of the Central Party Control Commission from 1985 to 1988 and in 1987 he was again an employee of the party headquarters.

On May 22, 1988, Jassó became a member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the MSZMP and on June 26, 1988, as successor to Ferenc Havasi, First Secretary of the MSZMP City Council of Budapest. In this function he led a delegation trip to East Berlin in January 1989 , where he was received by the First Secretary of the SED District Management Günter Schabowski . In February 1989 he and the Budapest Mayor József Bielek commemorated the 44th anniversary of the liberation of Budapest during World War II .

On April 12, 1989 he was elected a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the MSZMP and belonged to this top management body of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party until June 24, 1989.

In the elections for the four-member party presidency of the MSZMP - the successor body of the Politburo - on June 24, 1989, he was defeated by competitors Károly Grósz (General Secretary of the party), Prime Minister Miklós Németh and the two ministers of state Rezső Nyers and Imre Pozsgay .

Web links

  • Entry in Történelmi Tár (Hungarian)

Individual evidence

  1. Budapest USAP delegation visiting our city. Günter Schabowski received guests for a friendly conversation / Mihaly Jasso signed the Golden Book . In: Neues Deutschland from January 26, 1989
  2. Guests from Budapest experienced local politics in practice in Marzahn. Günter Schabowski and Mihaly Jasso exchanged views with working people . In: Neues Deutschland from January 27, 1989
  3. ^ Budapesters commemorated the liberation of the city . In: Neues Deutschland from February 14, 1989
  4. Upheaval in Hungary 1985-1990 - government lists ( memento of the original from December 25, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ( Herder Institute (Marburg) ) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.herder-institut.de