Miklós Vida

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Miklós Vida (born January 24, 1927 in Diósberény , Tamási district , Tolna county , † December 13, 2005 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian politician of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) , who was a member of the from 1975 to 1989 collective state presidency (Népköztársaság Elnöki Tanácsa) and from 1985 to 1989 Vice-President of the Hungarian Parliament (Országgyűlés) .


After attending school, Vida completed a mechanical engineering degree at the Technical University of Budapest BME (Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem) and graduated with a diploma. He then began his professional career as an engineer in 1950 and then as a senior engineer at the machine factory of the state railways MÁVAG (Magyar Királyi Államvasutak Gépgyára) . On May 17, 1953, he was elected member of the Hungarian Parliament (Országgyűlés) , to which he was a member until March 22, 1989.

In 1959 Vida became Technical Director of the Budapest Gas Works (Fővárosi Gázművek) and held this position until he retired in 1987. He also studied at the Marxism-Leninism Evening University (Marxizmus-Leninizmus Esti Egyetem) and was temporarily active as an honorary professor . He was also a member of the collective state presidium (Népköztársaság Elnöki Tanácsa) from 1975 to 1989 . Most recently he was also Vice-President of Parliament between June 8, 1985 and March 22, 1989.

Web links

  • Entry in Történelmi Tár (Hungarian)

Individual evidence

  1. In Parliament Vida initially represented the list of the Hungarian Independent Popular Front MFN (Magyar Függetlenségi Népfront) and the Patriotic Popular Front HNF (Hazafias Népfront) , from March 19, 1967 to June 15, 1975 the constituency of Budapest No. 22 , from June 15, 1975 until 8 June 1985 on the constituency Budapest no. 21 and most recently on June 8, 1985 to March 22, 1989 the constituency Budapest No. 22, .