Mikołaj Antonowicz

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Mikołaj Antonowicz (aka Mikołaj Graf Antonowicz Andrault de Buy , French Nicolas Comte Antonowicz Andrault de Buy ; born January 15, 1915 in Warsaw ; †  April 3, 2000 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a Polish officer and businessman.


The family came to Poland from France in the 17th century and fought for the Polish crown. She also got a coat of arms addition, half of the Polish eagle. The family was called de Buy from the dynasty of the Count de Langeron and took the name Antonowicz (from Anton). The family traced back to the time of the Crusades, in which their ancestors are said to have participated. Your coat of arms, three golden lilies , should be an award for it.

His grandfather Afinogen Antonovich was professor of economics in Kiev and from 1893 to 1896 deputy Russian finance minister.


Antonowicz was the son of the guard officer Georg Graf Antonowicz Andrault de Buy and his wife Katarzyna Myszakow. After Polish independence in 1918, the family lived temporarily in Warsaw and on the estates in Volhynia in what is now Ukraine. In the 1930s Antonowicz was politically active in the nationalist organization ONR .

From September 1, 1939 he was involved in the defense of Warsaw against the Wehrmacht . After the German invasion he was active underground, so that at the last minute he fled the Gestapo from Warsaw to France, where he fought against the Germans on the Western Front. He was interned several times but escaped each time.

After the establishment of the Polish resistance movement in France (Polish: Polski Ruch Oporu we Francji) by Colonel Antoni Zdrojewski, who later became the French marshal, he was the activist responsible for the struggle in France. He later went to Scotland to join the newly emerging 1st Polish Armored Division (1 Dywizja Pancerna) under the command of General (Brigadier General) Stanisław Maczek . After the Allied invasion of Normandy, he fought a. a. in Falaise , Chambois and Breda . During this time he was awarded several orders and medals. Years later he was promoted to Brigadier General in the Polish Armed Forces .

After the Polish army was forced to disarm itself in 1947, he became an entrepreneur and initially went to Paris. He then settled in Germany, where he lived in Frankfurt am Main and had numerous contacts with the German and European aristocracy. The last representative of Count Antonowicz Andrault de Buy died on April 3, 2000 in Frankfurt of a heart attack . With him his line died out.


Antonowicz received Polish, British and French awards, including the Military Cross MC , for his achievements during World War II .



  • Andrzej Kulikowski: Rody Szlacheckie, kto jest kim dziś? [= Noble clans, who is who today?]. Interpress, Warsaw 1993, ISBN 83-223-2643-2 .

supporting documents

  1. Stanisław Maczek : Od podwody do czołga (= Towarzystwo naukowe katolickiego uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Vol 132nd). Catholic University of Lublin / Orbis Press, Lublin / London 1990, excerpt .