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View of the vocal folds through the Kleinsasser tube
Surgical laryngoscope

The microlaryngoscopy (MLS) is a diagnostic and / or interventional examination, which in the area of Otorhinolaryngology , Phoniatrie and phonosurgery is performed.

The larynx is examined using special rigid tubes (e.g. according to Kleinsasser ) and a microscope . This procedure is used in the diagnosis and therapy of z. B. lesions in the throat and larynx such as tumors (e.g., malignant. Laryngeal cancer , hypopharyngeal carcinoma , benign: vocal cord nodules , -polyp , Reinke's edema ), or to tune improving procedures. The MLS is performed under general anesthesia (so-called "general anesthesia").


Jürgen Theissing: mouth, throat and nose operations . 2nd Edition. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart - New York 1988, ISBN 3-13-463702-2 .