Miletich Point

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Miletich Point
Geographical location
Miletich Point (South Shetland Islands)
Miletich Point
Coordinates 62 ° 27 ′  S , 59 ° 56 ′  W Coordinates: 62 ° 27 ′  S , 59 ° 56 ′  W
location Greenwich Island , South Shetland Islands
Waters Haskovo Cove
Waters 2 Drake Street

The Miletich Point (English; Bulgarian нос Милетич nos Miletitsch ) is a rocky headland on the north coast of Greenwich Island in the archipelago of the South Shetland Islands . It forms 0.8 km north of the highest peak of the Crutch Peaks , 0.2 km southeast of Kabile Island , 1.55 km east of Pavlikeni Point and 2.1 km west of Aprilov Point the west side of the entrance to Haskovo Cove .

Bulgarian scientists mapped them in 2009. The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named them in the same year after the Bulgarian linguist, ethnographer and historian Ljubomir Miletitsch (1863–1937).

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