Military History Foundation Graubünden

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Military Museum St. Luzisteig

The Military History Foundation Graubünden is a foundation with the purpose of safeguarding the military legacy of the Swiss Confederation in the Canton of Graubünden .


The foundation wants to preserve the military-historical cultural assets of the federal government and the canton of Graubünden. For this purpose, it takes over fortifications and other military installations in the canton of Graubünden, renovates, maintains and operates them in order to make them accessible to science and the public. She collects historical material from the Swiss Army .


The Swiss army underwent profound restructuring towards the end of the 20th century. In 1995 Army 61 was replaced and redimensioned by Army 95 . Another change process was initiated with the Army XXI . Troop stocks, deployment concepts and army material were adapted to the new needs. Permanent underground systems are no longer used in the new, mobile army. Most of these facilities were disarmed (disarmed), sealed, torn down or dismantled.

The Graubünden Military History Foundation was founded in Chur in 1999 to preserve the military-historical legacy of three military-historical phases: to save and preserve selected "contemporary witnesses" from ancient military history and from the two world wars for future generations. In addition to acquiring and maintaining fortifications and other military-historical objects, the foundation wants to organize annual commemorative events and get-togethers among former members of the military. It wants to support communities and institutions that carry out similar activities.


The foundation capital was brought in by the canton of Graubünden, company sponsors and individual members. Other military-historical associations help to cover the annual operating costs, maintenance and personnel costs: Association fortress museum Crestawald, Association military museum St. Luzisteig. It is possible to join other clubs. Any person, company or institution can become a patron of the foundation or a member of an association.

Military-historical cultural assets

The following facilities could be preserved and made available to the public as a museum or for guided tours:

  • Crestawald Fortress
  • Albula Fortress
  • Military museum St. Luzisteig
  • The foundation had a film made about the last above-ground oxygen factory ( air separation plant ) built by the Swiss military in Ilanz, which was an independent production facility from 1969 to 2005 that produced high-purity nitrogen and oxygen for the medical troops . The head of the plant, who has operated it for 27 years, has his say.


The former command post of Border Brigade 12 in Alvaneu is being turned into a museum on the subject of the Cold War . The underground tour system is being renovated over a period of several years so that the content, which is unique in Switzerland, can be shown. The opening is planned for spring 2020.

Ilanz oxygen factory

In the Ilanz air separation plant (“Ilanz oxygen factory”) , high-purity oxygen and nitrogen were produced from 1969 to 2005 and given to the medical forces, mainly for the Disentis military hospital . This should guarantee the autonomy of supply. The only remaining system of this type was repaired and looked after by the fortress museum Sperre Trin and could be viewed for the first time on January 18, 2020.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Graubünden Fortress website: Artillery Fort Crestawald and the Graubünden Military History Foundation
  2. Crestawald Fortress Museum
  3. ^ Association of military and historical installations in the Albula Valley
  4. ^ Association of the St. Luzisteig Military Museum
  5. Southeastern Switzerland of April 24th, 2011: Oxygen Factory: The “little neat little factory” by Ilanz
  6. ^ New regional policy NRP: Development concept for the new museum
  7. ^ The command post Grenzbrigade 12: A project from the Raiffeisenbank Mittelbünden region
  8. Homepage of the oxygen factory Ilanz
  9. Fortified Graubünden 1941
  10. ^ Military monuments in the canton of Graubünden. Inventory of the combat and command structures. Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport , Bern 2003 (PDF; 2.64 MB).