Lock point Albula Pass

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Albula Pass towards Bergün

The blocking point Albula Pass (blocking point no. 1245) was a defensive position of the Swiss army . It is located about one kilometer west of the Albula Pass in the direction of Bergün / Bravuogn and was built from 1938. The barrier was operated by the Mountain Brigade 12, the later Mountain Division 12 , and the fortress guard corps. With the dissolution of Mountain Division 12, the lock's facilities were declassified and repealed.


The blocking points in the canton of Graubünden can be divided into five groups: The blocking points near the southern border (Italy) and the adjacent passes had to block access to the Engadin. The next blocking group had to deny access to the Mittelbünden. The group on the northeast border had to keep the opponent against Austria. The last group had to prevent access to the Reduit . The blocking point Albulapass belonged together with the blocking points Flüela (1249/1237), Julier (1228), Septimer (1227), Zügen (1238) and Schyn (1221) to the group that had the order to block the access to Central Grisons. The Bergünerstein lock (1243) served as a rear lock.

Lock point Albula Pass

The blocking point Albula Pass (Army designation no. 1245) had to prevent a transition over the Albula Pass to Bergün and into the Albula Valley . The Albula Pass was not closed at the top of the pass, but staggered back in the valley northwest of the pass.

It consists of an armored terrain obstacle made of boulders, the central, three-story main bunker next to the pass road, which was camouflaged as a stone hill, and the two rock works in the rock heads to the left and right of the pass road, which had to protect the exposed main bunker. The main bunker had a crew of 16, the rock works 12 men each. The Ik infantry cannon (later a 9 cm anti-tank cannon ) and the two machine guns each in the rock worked through the depression towards the south towards the top of the pass. In the 1960s, the system was still lit with petrol lamps, cooked on a petrol stove and ventilated with manual ventilation, which had to be operated continuously in replacement operation. When there was heavy shooting activity, the crew had to spend the night outdoors because of the reduced oxygen content in the facilities.

  • Infantry bunker Albula Street A 7660
  • Albula rock on the left A 7661
  • Albula rock on the right A 7662
  • Nomad house B 9424
  • Accommodation for the fortress guard corps FWK
  • All terrain armor obstacle
  • Position first world war

Bergünerstein lock point

Bergünerstein rock on the left A 7667: left entrance / notch, right explosive object

The blocking point Bergünerstein (blocking point no. 1243) is located at Engnis Bergünerstein, where the Albulastrasse could be permanently blocked and blown up for an opponent. An explosion would have interrupted the passage for a long time. The barrier was protected by two rock caverns, each with a light machine gun on a loop carriage. The caverns for a crew of seven were built from 1938/39.

  • Bergünerstein rock on the right A 7666
  • Bergünerstein rock on the left A 7667
  • Explosive object Albulastrasse

Albula Valley Military History Association

The Albulatal Military History Association wants to preserve and make accessible the fortifications on the Albula Pass and Bergünerstein as an example of a staggered locking point and document the upstream defense system in the area of ​​the municipality of La Punt, including explosive objects in this area. In the bunkered command post of Border Brigade 12 in Alvaneu , a museum on the subject of the Cold War and other special exhibitions will be set up and guided tours in the museum and the fortifications will be organized.

The Military History Foundation of Graubünden wants to collect and secure military-historical cultural assets from Switzerland and the canton of Graubünden and support communities and institutions with similar activities. The Sufers-Crestawald artillery works and the old armory of the St. Luzisteig Fortress are to be preserved and made accessible to the public.


Web links

Commons : Bergünerstein  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Crestawald Fortress Museum: Lock point 1245 Albula
  2. Crestawald Fortress Museum: Lock point 1243 Bergünerstein
  3. ^ Official homepage of the Albulatal Military History Association
  4. ^ Military History Foundation Graubünden
  5. Fortified Graubünden 1941