Miltiades Kotrba

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Miltiades Kotrba (born October 25, 1891 in Prague ; † January 1985 ) was a Sudeten German lawyer and local politician and later an association official in musical instrument making.


Miltiades Kotrba was born as the son of the dialect poet Ludwig Kotrba (1851-1901) from Gablonz . Kotrba studied law in Prague. The doctor of law became in 1920 the syndic of the German Federation of Industry in Czechoslovakia . His area of ​​activity was mainly social security issues. Kotrba issued several legal commentaries. He was a delegate at conferences of the International Labor Office in Geneva . As a member of the Prague City Council, he represented the interests of the German minority.

As a staunch democrat, he lost his job after the German troops marched in. At the end of the war he had to leave Prague as a member of the German minority. He was commissioned to collect the scattered musical instrument makers from Schönbach who were housed as a result of their expulsion and to support them in resuming their work in the German part of the Musikwinkel . Apartments were built by the Josef Foundation in Bamberg, and the violin making settlement in Bubenreuth was created. On June 4, 1952, he was the first Sudeten German to receive the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon for this achievement .


  • The pension insurance for private employees in higher services, together with an introduction to the essential provisions of the law of February 21, 1929, taking into account the motive report. Stiepel, Reichenberg, 1929. ( DNB 579953866 )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Volksbund für das Deutschtum abroad (Germany): German work. 1902, p. 824 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. ^ A b Sudetendeutsches Archiv: Mitteilungen des Sudetendeutschen Archiv . Sudetendeutsches Archiv, 1976 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  3. Heinrich Kuhn et al: Sudeten Germanism yesterday and today . Aufstieg-Verlag, 1986 ( limited preview in Google book search).