Milton Buki

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Milton Buki (born November 1, 1909 in Drobin , Poland , † 1988 in Jerusalem ) was a Jewish survivor of the Sonderkommando in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp . He witnessed the mass extermination in the crematoria and gas chambers of the camp .


Milton Buki was deported with his entire family from the Mława Ghetto / Warsaw Voivodeship to Auschwitz-Birkenau on December 6, 1942. He received the prisoner number 80312.

Soon after the arrival, 200 men from the transport were assigned to the special command in Birkenau. At that time, the task of the command was to remove the gassed people from the two gassing plants, bunkers no. 1 and 2. These were two converted farmhouses in which gas chambers had been installed. The Sonderkommando also had to burn the bodies in pits. Buki was assigned to a group that transported bodies to the cremation pits. The term “tug” was common for this.

From summer 1943 Buki worked in crematoria II and III in Birkenau. He was involved in planning the Sonderkommando uprising that began on October 7, 1944.

When the camp was evacuated in January 1945, Buki was forced on the death march to Loslau / Wodzisław Śląski, 60 kilometers west of Auschwitz. He was able to escape from the transport to the Mauthausen concentration camp near Linz near the town of Přerov / Prerau (east of Brno / Brünn) and lived in hiding until the end of the war in May 1945.

After the end of the war

Milton Buki testified on January 14, 1965 at the 127th day of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial . At that time he was living as a businessman in Los Angeles .

See also


  • Ernst Klee : Auschwitz. Perpetrators, assistants, victims and what became of them , Frankfurt am Main 2013.

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