Mina Andreeva

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Mina Andreeva

Mina Andreeva (* 1983 in Sofia , Bulgaria ) is a Bulgarian-German political scientist and lawyer. Andreeva has been the press spokeswoman for EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker since 2014 .


Andreeva was born in 1983 in the Bulgarian capital Sofia. In 1991, at the age of eight, Andreeva moved with her family to her father in Cologne , where he worked as a journalist for the German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle . Andreeva completed her school education in Cologne with the Abitur and then studied European Studies at the University of Maastricht . After completing her Bachelors she studied law at the University of Edinburgh on LL.M .

After completing her studies, Andreeva completed a five-month internship ( traineeship ) at the European Commission in 2007 . As one of the few, she was given the opportunity to continue working for the commission and moved to the Bulgarian press and media department of the commission. In 2012, Viviane Reding from Luxembourg , EU Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship , appointed Andreeva as her sole press spokeswoman.

When Jean-Claude Juncker was elected EU Commission President, Andreeva joined him and has since been Juncker's sole press spokeswoman. The news site Politico.eu described her as a "loyal member of Juncker's inner circle" and as the head behind his external media perception.

Web links

Commons : Mina Andreeva  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Mina Andreeva - Juncker's Voice. In: Politico.eu. December 7, 2017, accessed December 10, 2017 .
  2. a b c Graziella Runchina: The Voice of the European Commission. In: Maastricht University webmagazine. February 5, 2015, accessed December 10, 2017 .