Minamo Island

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Minamo Island
Waters Lützow-Holm-Bucht
Geographical location 69 ° 39 ′  S , 39 ° 37 ′  E Coordinates: 69 ° 39 ′  S , 39 ° 37 ′  E
Minamo Island (Antarctica)
Minamo Island

Minamo Island ( Japanese み な も 島 Minamo-jima , German 'water surface island ' ) is an island off the Prince Harald coast of the East Antarctic Queen Maud Land . It is the largest of a group of islands that lie in the narrow inlet between the Skallen group of hills and the Skallebreen .

Aerial photographs and measurements of a Japanese Antarctic expedition, which lasted from 1957 to 1962, were used to map them. The Japanese name from 1972 transferred the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names in 1975 in a partial translation into English.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, 国土 地理 院 の 南極 観 測 概要 , April 18, 2018