Mineral trioxide aggregate

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Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a filling material used in dentistry . It is a modified high-purity Portland cement . The application in dentistry, and here in particular in endodontics , was first explored in the 1990s by a research group at the University of Loma Linda under the direction of Mahmoud Torabinejad .


The main components of MTA are calcium silicate , tri- calcium aluminate and calcium oxide . To increase the radio-opacity is bismuth (III) oxide added. With the addition of sterile distilled water to the powder initially produces a colloid-like gel , which cures about three hours then within. MTA is largely insensitive to moisture. In terms of edge tightness, it has been shown to be at least equivalent to alternative materials in penetration tests, for example ; various studies find superior values ​​for MTA. The biocompatibility of MTA is very good; it is the only material among those with a similar function that induces the formation of new root cement on the surface of the periodontium .


  • Tricalcium silicate (CaO) 3 · SiO 2
  • Dicalcium silicate (CaO) 2 · SiO 2
  • Tricalcium aluminate (CaO) 3 · Al 2 O 3
  • Gypsum CaSO 4 · 2 H 2 O
  • Bismuth (III) oxide Bi 2 O 3

MTA was originally supplied as a gray powder (GMTA) that also contained tetracalcium aluminate ferrite ((CaO) 4 · Al 2 O 3 · Fe 2 O 3 ). Since 2002 it has also been supplied as a white powder (WMTA) that no longer contains this component. The setting time of GMTA is approx. 175 minutes, that of WMTA approx. 140 minutes.


MTA is used for direct capping , retrograde root fillings , apexifications , internal and external root resorptions and root perforations .

MTA shows significantly more success in milk tooth therapy clinically and radiologically in all phases, up to natural exfoliation (tooth change) than the alternative preparations. MTA promotes the regeneration of the primary tooth pulp and is therefore recommended for pulpotomy .

According to Swiss scientists, the existing literature and clinical studies offer a solid basis for replacing MTA with the much cheaper Portland cement. Swiss scientists had therefore developed a medicinal Portland cement, the chemistry of which corresponds to the commercial MTA (ProRoot® / Dentsply), but is much cheaper.


Individual evidence

  1. D. Trohorsch, M. Münster, Mineral Trioxid Aggregate , ZWR 5/2012.
  2. E. Shepherd, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) - The new panacea in endodontics? Part 1: Apexification and retrograde closure , DZZ , 58/2003, p. 616.
  3. N. Krämer, MTA in milk tooth endodontics , Bayerisches Zahnärzteblatt , June 2010, p. 61.
  4. Steffen R et al. Understanding mineral trioxide aggregate / Portland cement: A review of literature and background factors ; Eur Archs Pediatr Dent (2009); 10: 93-97, PMID 19627674 .
  5. ^ Pediatric dentists against MTA moon prices , Zahnmedizin Report , May 2009, p. 3.