Minerva Foundation

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Minerva Foundation
legal form Non-profit company with limited liability (GmbH)
founding 1962, from 1964 programs for cooperation with Israel
Seat Munich
purpose Promotion of the scientific exchange between Germany and Israel
Managing directors Ulman Lindenberger , Maximilian Prugger
Website https://www.minerva.mpg.de/

The Minerva Foundation Society for research (short: Minerva Foundation ) is a device that promoting academic exchange between Germany and Israel is. The legal form of the Minerva Foundation is a non-profit GmbH whose shares are held by the Max Planck Society . The work is mainly financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research .

Funding programs

The Minerva Foundation essentially operates three funding programs:

  • Long-term and short-term grants for German and Israeli scientists for guest stays at research institutions in the other country
  • Program of the "Minerva Centers", small research centers at Israeli research institutions
  • the “Minerva-Weizmann Program”, which supports scientific projects at the Weizmann Institute of Science

There are also Minerva Gentner Symposia and the Minerva Schools.

The Minerva-Weizmann program was the first of several German-Israeli scientific programs. From the first scientific contacts between the Max Planck Society and the Weizmann Institute of Science, it developed into a program that supports individual and group projects at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot .

The Minerva scholarship program enables Israeli and German scientists to do research at institutions in the other country. Doctoral students and postdocs have the opportunity to carry out their research project at a host institution in Israel or Germany. Since the program began in 1973, more than 1,700 Minerva fellowships have been awarded to German and Israeli scholars.

Minerva Centers have existed since 1975, and they support small research centers in various fields of science at Israeli institutions. There are currently 22 Minerva centers at the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Tel Aviv University , Bar-Ilan University , the University of Haifa and the Technion in Haifa .

Arches Prize

Since 2008, the Arches Prize for German-Israeli Cooperation ( Award for Research Cooperation and High Excellence in Science ) has been awarded by the Minerva Foundation. The prize was launched this year on the occasion of the German-Israeli Science Year and is financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research . At least one and often several German-Israeli research teams are honored, receiving 266,000 euros per team (previously 200,000 euros). The money is only available for research purposes. The prize was last awarded in April 2019.


In 1959 a delegation from the Max Planck Society, headed by its President Otto Hahn, visited the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot. After a long period of diplomatic silence, contact between scientists from these two institutions marked the beginning of the resumption of relations between Germany and Israel. After this meeting, the federal government made available 3 million marks in start-up capital for future research projects and scientific exchange with the Weizmann Institute.

In 1962 the "Minerva Society for Research", today the "Minerva Foundation - Society for Research", was founded as a subsidiary of the Max Planck Society. The Minerva Foundation signed an agreement with the Weizmann Institute in 1964, which formed the basis for the Minerva Weizmann program.

Web links


  • Thomas Steinhauser, Hanoch Gutfreund, Jürgen Renn : A Special Relationship - Turning Points in the History of German-Israeli Scientific Cooperation , Results of the Research Program History of the Max Planck Society, Preprint 1. Edited by Florian Schmaltz, Jürgen Renn, Carsten Reinhardt and Jürgen Kocka. Berlin 2017. Online, PDF

Individual evidence

  1. see program information (English) on the minerva.mpg.de page
  2. see ARCHES prizes awarded to the German-Israeli research team for the 10th time in Berlin, April 2, 2019, press release on Cogeril.de