Minna Doelz

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Minna Dölz (born December 22, 1896 in Teltow ; † July 3, 1979 in East Berlin ) was a German trade unionist and resistance fighter against the Nazi regime .


Minna Dölz grew up in Teltow and attended the local elementary school . After graduating, she did not get an apprenticeship position and became a skilled lathe operator . She was a KPD member and also worked in various subsidiary organizations. As an active member of the KPD and in particular of the Revolutionary Trade Union Opposition (RGO), she was dismissed several times. She was elected to the works council at Loewe in Berlin-Moabit and AEG in Oberschöneweide .

After the seizure of power by the National Socialists Dölz was followed, but the company was able to successfully Kabelwerk Upper Spree Adrema hide. Instead, the Gestapo arrested her seventy-year-old mother, Pauline Glomba . In order to protect them, Dölz surrendered to the Gestapo on December 16, 1933. Minna Dölz was charged with illegal activities for the banned unit association of metal workers in Berlin (EVMB). A courier station of the EVMB had been set up in the parents' apartment, although it is unclear whether the mother or daughter was the mastermind. From the perspective of the Nazi persecutors, the apartment was demonstrably used as a point of contact for the distribution of EVMB and RGO material as well as for the sale of EVMB contribution stamps. In mid-1934, Dölz was sentenced to one year and nine months in prison by the Berlin Superior Court. The communist was imprisoned in the women's prisons in Berlin, Guben and Berlin-Charlottenburg . The mistreatment in the prisons led to serious psychological and health problems, so that Dölz was never able to work again in her life.


  • Siegfried Mielke: Dölz, Minna (1896–1979): Resistance in the unified association of metal workers in Berlin . In: Siegfried Mielke (ed.): Trade unionists in the Nazi state: persecution, resistance, emigration . Klartext Verlag, Essen 2008, ISBN 978-3-89861-914-1 , p. 125-126 .
  • Stefan Heinz , Siegfried Mielke (ed.): Functionaries of the unified association of metal workers in Berlin in the Nazi state. Resistance and persecution (= trade unionists under National Socialism. Persecution - resistance - emigration. Volume 2). Metropol, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-86331-062-2 , pp. 32, 42, 100-102 (short biography), 106, 112, 247, 258 f., 291.
  • Stefan Heinz, Moscow's mercenary? "The Union of Metal Workers in Berlin": Development and failure of a communist union. VSA-Verlag, Hamburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-89965-406-6 , pp. 313, 324, 368, 453, 459, 467, 528.