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Missfelder is a family name that is more common in Low German .

To interpret the name, it should be pointed out that the ending probably does not belong to Feld . The family name Misfeldt , also in the spellings Missfeldt, Missfeldt, Misfeld, Miesfeld, Mießfelder, Missfelder and others - formerly also Mißfald - are Low German family names that can be found early in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg . According to a Middle Low German concise dictionary from 1888 , Mesvald = fertilizer heap, fertilizer pit is a place where the fertilizer is stored until it is driven away and brought to the field.

Well-known namesake

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Name research : MISFELDT (Schleswig State Archives Section 399.94 No. 3) - The family name Misfeldt. (June 1957)