Missing Children Europe

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Missing Children Europe (Missing Children Europe) is an umbrella organization of 31 children's aid organizations (NGO) in Europe.

Missing Children Europe, supports and coordinates the international search for missing children . The umbrella organization, as well as its members, should ensure that every EU member state has the necessary procedures and regulations in place to deal with cases of missing and / or abused children and is able to both support the victims and take measures to prevent future ones Prevent disappearance. The umbrella organization was the driving force behind the launch of the 116 000 emergency number, which provides immediate support when children are missing.

Missing Children Europe was founded in 2001 by Child Focus (Belgium), La Mouette (France), Aurora (Italy), Initiative Vermisste Kinder (Germany) and Rat auf Draht (Austria).


65% of the funds of Missing Children Europe come from the Daphne Program of the European Commission , the rest is collected by fundraisers, structural partnerships and membership fees.

Members (organizations) (selection)

  • Albania: ALO 116
  • Belgium: Child Focus
  • Bulgaria: Nadja Center Foundation
  • Denmark: Torah Center
  • Germany: Missing Children Initiative
  • Estonia: Estonian Advice Center
  • Finland: loads perusoikeudet, Kaapatut Lapset ry
  • France: APEV, CFPE-Enfants Disparus, La Mouette
  • Greece: Smile of the Child
  • Ireland: ISPCC
  • Italy: SOS II Telefono Azzurro Onlus
  • Croatia: Center for missing and exploited children
  • Latvia: Bezvests.lv
  • Lithuania: Missing Persons' Families Support Center
  • Netherlands: The International Child Abduction Center
  • Austria: 147 Council on Wire
  • Poland: ITAKA
  • Portugal: Instituto de Apoio à Criança
  • Romania: Salvati Copiii
  • Serbia: Astra
  • Slovakia: Linka detskej istoty, no
  • Spain: Fundación ANAR
  • Switzerland: Missing Children Switzerland, Fondation Suisse du Service Social International
  • Czech Republic: Cesta z krize, z. ů
  • Hungary: Kék Vonal
  • United Kingdom: Missing People
  • Cyprus: Consortium: SPAVO & HFC

Web links

Individual evidence