Mean binomial coefficient

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In mathematics , the -th binomial mean coefficient for a nonnegative integer is given by

The name "mean binomial coefficient" comes from the fact that these binomial coefficients lie exactly in the middle of the line in Pascal's triangle :


The first mean binomial coefficients are therefore (sequence A000984 in OEIS ):

1, 2, 6, 20, 70, 252, 924, 3432, 12870, 48620, ...


It applies

The fraction is related to the Valais product .

After the Vandermonde convolution applies


With the help of the Stirling formula one obtains for the estimation:

So the following applies (for notation see Landau symbol ):

More accurate:

Generating function

The generating function is

Number theoretic properties

According to Wolstenholme's theorem, applies to prime numbers

(for the symbolism see congruence (number theory) ).

Also, there are no odd numbers except .

Furthermore, the numbers for are never square-free , see Sárkőzy's theorem .

Integral representation

An integral representation is as follows:

Representation with gamma function


In general, the following applies (if the series diverges for regularized values ​​calculated with the gamma function):


In addition, the following applies to partial sums (sequence A285388 in OEIS ):

Series of reciprocals

The following applies:

The individual decimal places form sequence A073016 in OEIS .

Some more similar series are:

see. Follow A073010 in OEIS , Follow A086463 in OEIS , -, Follow A086464 in OEIS , -. Here referred to the digamma function , the Trigammafunktion and generally the th polygamma function ; the Riemann zeta function and the circle number .

In general, the following formula applies:

for , where denotes the generalized hypergeometric function ; see.

The corresponding alternating series also converge to the following limit values:

see. Episode A086465 in OEIS , episode A086466 in OEIS , episode A086467 in OEIS , episode A086468 in OEIS .

In general, the following can be written:

Related terms

The Catalan numbers are closely related to the mean binomial coefficients . You are given by


In Pascal's triangle, only the lines with an even-numbered index have a clear middle entry, whereas the lines with an odd-numbered index have two entries in the middle. However, since these two entries always match, they are occasionally included in the definition of the mean binomial coefficient, which is then:

for .

The first definition is obtained by looking at the even numbers here .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ VH Moll: Some Questions in the Evaluation of Definite Integrals. MAA Short Course, San Antonio, TX. Jan. 2006. Archived copy ( memento of the original from April 2, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ S. Plouffe: The Art of Inspired Guessing. Aug 7, 1998;