In mathematics , the -th binomial mean coefficient for a nonnegative integer is given by
![{\ displaystyle {2n \ choose n} = {\ frac {(2n)!} {(n!) ^ {2}}}}](
The name "mean binomial coefficient" comes from the fact that these binomial coefficients lie exactly in the middle of the line in Pascal's triangle :
![\ mathbf {1}]( |
![1]( |
![1]( |
![{\ mathbf 2}]( |
![1]( |
![3]( |
![3]( |
![1]( |
![1]( |
![4th]( |
![{\ displaystyle \ mathbf {6}}]( |
![4th]( |
![1]( |
![1]( |
![5]( |
![10]( |
![10]( |
![5]( |
![1]( |
![1]( |
![6th]( |
![15th]( |
![{\ displaystyle \ mathbf {20}}]( |
![15th]( |
![6th]( |
![1]( |
![1]( |
![7th]( |
![21st]( |
![35]( |
![35]( |
![21st]( |
![7th]( |
![1]( |
![1]( |
![8th]( |
![28]( |
![56]( |
![{\ displaystyle \ mathbf {70}}]( |
![56]( |
![28]( |
![8th]( |
![1]( |
The first mean binomial coefficients are therefore (sequence A000984 in OEIS ):
- 1, 2, 6, 20, 70, 252, 924, 3432, 12870, 48620, ...
It applies
![{\ displaystyle {2n \ choose n} = 2 ^ {2n} \ cdot {\ frac {1 \ cdot 3 \ cdot 5 \ cdots (2n-1)} {2 \ cdot 4 \ cdot 6 \ cdots (2n)} }.}](
The fraction is related to the Valais product .
After the Vandermonde convolution applies
![{\ displaystyle {2n \ choose n} = \ sum _ {k = 0} ^ {n} {n \ choose k} ^ {2}.}](
With the help of the Stirling formula one obtains for the estimation:
![n \ geq 1](
![{\ displaystyle {\ frac {1} {2}} {\ frac {4 ^ {n}} {\ sqrt {\ pi n}}} <{2n \ choose n} <{\ frac {4 ^ {n} } {\ sqrt {\ pi n}}}}](
So the following applies (for notation see Landau symbol ):
![{\ displaystyle {2n \ choose n} \ in \ Theta \ left ({\ frac {4 ^ {n}} {\ sqrt {n}}} \ right)}](
More accurate:
![{\ displaystyle \ lim _ {n \ rightarrow \ infty} \ left ({2n \ choose n} \ left ({\ frac {4 ^ {n}} {\ sqrt {\ pi n}}} \ right) ^ { -1} \ right) = 1}](
Generating function
The generating function is
![{\ displaystyle {\ frac {1} {\ sqrt {1-4x}}} = \ mathbf {1} + \ mathbf {2} x + \ mathbf {6} x ^ {2} + \ mathbf {20} x ^ {3} + \ mathbf {70} x ^ {4} + \ mathbf {252} x ^ {5} + \ cdots.}](
Number theoretic properties
According to Wolstenholme's theorem, applies to prime numbers
![{\ displaystyle {2p \ choose p} \ equiv 2 \ mod p ^ {3}}](
(for the symbolism see congruence (number theory) ).
Also, there are no odd numbers except .
Furthermore, the numbers for are never square-free , see Sárkőzy's theorem .
![n> 4](
Integral representation
An integral representation is as follows:
![{\ displaystyle {\ binom {2n} {n}} = {\ frac {2 ^ {2n + 1}} {\ pi}} \ int \ limits _ {0} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {\ mathrm {d} x} {(x ^ {2} +1) ^ {n + 1}}}}](
Representation with gamma function
![{\ displaystyle {\ binom {2n} {n}} = (- 4) ^ {n} {\ frac {\ sqrt {\ pi}} {\ Gamma ({\ frac {1} {2}} - n) \ Gamma (1 + n)}}}](
![{\ displaystyle \ sum _ {n = 0} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {\ binom {2n} {n}} {(- 4) ^ {n}}} = {\ frac {1} {\ sqrt {2}}}}](
In general, the following applies (if the series diverges for regularized values calculated with the gamma function):
In addition, the following applies to partial sums (sequence A285388 in OEIS ):
![{\ displaystyle \ lim _ {n \ rightarrow \ infty} \ sum _ {k = 0} ^ {n ^ {2} -1} {\ frac {2k \ choose k} {4 ^ {k} n}} = \ lim _ {n \ rightarrow \ infty} {\ frac {n {2n ^ {2} \ choose n ^ {2}}} {2 ^ {2n ^ {2} -1}}} = \ lim _ {m \ rightarrow \ infty} {\ frac {{\ sqrt {m}} {2m \ choose m}} {2 ^ {2m-1}}} = {\ frac {2} {\ sqrt {\ pi}}} = {\ frac {1} {\ Gamma ({\ frac {3} {2}})}} = \ sum _ {n = 0} ^ {\ infty} {(- 1) ^ {n} {\ frac { \ Gamma ({\ frac {n + 1} {2}})} {\ Gamma (1 + {\ frac {n} {2}})}}}}](
Series of reciprocals
The following applies:
![{\ displaystyle \ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {1} {\ binom {2n} {n}}} = {\ frac {1} {27}} (2 \ pi {\ sqrt {3}} + 9) = 0 {,} 7363998587187 \ ldots}](
The individual decimal places form sequence A073016 in OEIS .
Some more similar series are:
![{\ displaystyle {\ begin {aligned} \ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {1} {n {\ binom {2n} {n}}}} & = {\ frac {1} {9}} \ pi {\ sqrt {3}} & = & \, 0 {,} 60459 \ ldots \\\ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {1} {n ^ { 2} {\ binom {2n} {n}}}} & = {\ frac {1} {18}} \ pi ^ {2} & = & \, 0 {,} 54831 \ dots \\\ sum _ { n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {1} {n ^ {3} {\ binom {2n} {n}}}} & = {\ frac {1} {18}} \ pi {\ sqrt {3}} \ left (\ psi _ {1} ({\ tfrac {1} {3}}) - \ psi _ {1} ({\ tfrac {2} {3}}) \ right) - {\ frac {4} {3}} \ zeta (3) & {} & {} \\\ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {1} {n ^ {4} {\ binom { 2n} {n}}}} & = {\ frac {17} {3240}} \ pi ^ {4} & = & \, 0 {,} 51109 \ ldots \\\ sum _ {n = 1} ^ { \ infty} {\ frac {1} {n ^ {5} {\ binom {2n} {n}}}} & = {\ frac {1} {432}} \ pi {\ sqrt {3}} \ left (\ psi _ {3} ({\ tfrac {1} {3}}) - \ psi _ {3} ({\ tfrac {2} {3}}) \ right) - {\ frac {19} {3 }} \ zeta (5) + {\ frac {1} {9}} \ zeta (3) \ pi ^ {2} & {} & {} \ end {aligned}}}](
see. Follow A073010 in OEIS , Follow A086463 in OEIS , -, Follow A086464 in OEIS , -. Here referred to the digamma function , the Trigammafunktion and generally the th polygamma function ; the Riemann zeta function and the circle number .
![{\ displaystyle \ \ psi _ {1}}](
![{\ displaystyle \ \ psi _ {2}}](
![{\ displaystyle \ \ psi _ {n}}](
![{\ displaystyle \ \ zeta (x)}](
![{\ displaystyle \ \ pi}](
In general, the following formula applies:
![{\ displaystyle \ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {1} {n ^ {k} {\ binom {2n} {n}}}} = {\ frac {1} {2} } \, \ cdot \, {} _ {k + 1} F_ {k} \ left (\ underbrace {1, \ ldots, 1} _ {k + 1}; {\ tfrac {3} {2}}, \ underbrace {2, \ ldots, 2} _ {k-1}; {\ tfrac {1} {4}} \ right)}](
for , where denotes the generalized hypergeometric function ; see.
![{\ displaystyle k \ geq 1}](
![{\ displaystyle {} _ {m} F_ {n} (a_ {1}, \ ldots, a_ {m}; b_ {1}, \ ldots, b_ {n}; x)}](
The corresponding alternating series also converge to the following limit values:
![{\ displaystyle {\ begin {aligned} \ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {(-1) ^ {n}} {\ binom {2n} {n}}} & = {\ frac {1} {25}} \ left (5 + 4 {\ sqrt {5}} \ cdot \ operatorname {arcsch} (2) \ right) & = & \, 0 {,} 37216357638560161555577 \ ldots \\\ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {(-1) ^ {n}} {n {\ binom {2n} {n}}}} & = {\ frac {2} {5}} {\ sqrt {5}} \ cdot \ operatorname {arcsch} (2) & = & \; 0 {,} 430408940964 \ ldots \\\ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {(- 1) ^ {n}} {n ^ {2} {\ binom {2n} {n}}}} & = 2 \ left (\ operatorname {arcsch} (2) \ right) ^ {2} & = & \ ; 0 {,} 463129641154 \ ldots \\\ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {(-1) ^ {n}} {n ^ {3} {\ binom {2n} {n }}}} & = {\ frac {2} {5}} \ zeta (3) & = & \; 0 {,} 48082276126 \ ldots \ end {aligned}}}](
see. Episode A086465 in OEIS , episode A086466 in OEIS , episode A086467 in OEIS , episode A086468 in OEIS .
In general, the following can be written:
![{\ displaystyle \ sum _ {n = 1} ^ {\ infty} {\ frac {(-1) ^ {n}} {n ^ {k} {\ binom {2n} {n}}}} = {\ frac {1} {2}} \, \ cdot \, {} _ {k + 1} F_ {k} \ left (\ underbrace {1, \ ldots, 1} _ {k + 1}; {\ tfrac { 3} {2}}, \ underbrace {2, \ ldots, 2} _ {k-1}; {\ tfrac {-1} {4}} \ right).}](
Related terms
The Catalan numbers are closely related to the mean binomial coefficients . You are given by
![C_ {n}](
![{\ displaystyle C_ {n} = {\ frac {1} {n + 1}} {2n \ choose n}}](
In Pascal's triangle, only the lines with an even-numbered index have a clear middle entry, whereas the lines with an odd-numbered index have two entries in the middle. However, since these two entries always match, they are occasionally included in the definition of the mean binomial coefficient, which is then:
for .![{\ displaystyle m \ in \ mathbb {N} _ {0}}](
The first definition is obtained by looking at the even numbers here .
Web links
Individual evidence
^ VH Moll: Some Questions in the Evaluation of Definite Integrals. MAA Short Course, San Antonio, TX. Jan. 2006. Archived copy ( memento of the original from April 2, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
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^ S. Plouffe: The Art of Inspired Guessing. Aug 7, 1998;