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Mnesiades ( Greek  Μνεσιάδης ) was a Greek potter who lived around 550 to 540 BC. Was active in Athens .

A signed work by him is known, the fragment of a hydria in the Herbert A. Cahn collection , Basel Inv. HC 859 (formerly in Cairo, Riaz collection, currently on loan to the British Museum, London ). It depicts a warrior with a shield in the knee-run diagram to the left, behind it the potter's signature "ΜΝΕΣΙΑΔΕΣ ΕΠΟΙΕΣΕΝ".

The retrograde inscription "ΜΝΕΣ [..." may also be added as a remnant of another pottery inscription by Mnesiades. It can be found on the fragment of a Panathenaic price amphora from the Athens Acropolis (Athens, National Museum Akr. 921), painted in the manner of the Princeton painter .

Together with the potter Andokides, Mnesiades donated a bronze statue on the Athens Acropolis , the base of which has been preserved with an inscription ( IG ² No. 627): "Μ] ΝΕΣΙΑΔΕΣ ΚΕΡΑΜΕΥΣ ΜΕ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΔΟΚΙΔΕΣ ΑΝΕΘΕΚΕΝ". This dedication, one of the few by potters on the Acropolis, shows the potter's high social prestige.


  • John D. Beazley : Attic Black-figure Vase-painters . Oxford 1956, p. 314.
  • John D. Beazley: Paralipomena. Additions to Attic black-figure vase-painters and to Attic red-figure vase-painters , Oxford 1971, p. 136.
  • Bettina Kreuzer : Early draftsmen 1500-500 BC Egyptian, Greek and Etruscan vase fragments from the HA Cahn Basel collection , Freiburg 1992, p. 64 no. 64.
  • Dyfri Williams , in: Annie Verbanck-Pierard, Didier Viviers (eds.): Culture et cité. L'avènement d'Athènes à l'époque archaïque . Actes du colloque international organisé à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles du 25 au 27 avril 1991, Paris 1995, pp. 147–148 Fig. 3.
  • Thomas Mannack : Mnesiades. In: Rainer Vollkommer (Hrsg.): Künstlerlexikon der Antike . Volume 2: L-Z. Addendum A – K. Saur, Munich / Leipzig 2004, ISBN 3-598-11414-1 , p. 89.
  • Mary B. Moore : Andokides and a curious Attic Black-figured amphora . In: Metropolitan Museum Journal 36, 2001, pp. 22-23.

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