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Mobatime SA

legal form Corporation
founding 1947
Seat Le Mont-sur-Lausanne , Dübendorf , Switzerland
Number of employees 90 (2019)
sales 27.5 million CHF (2019)
Branch Time recording , clock system , access control , vehicle technology , voice recording

Station clock in Zurich main station
Bürk Mobatime GmbH in Villingen-Schwenningen with a typical station clock

Moser-Baer AG is a Swiss watch manufacturer . The company is the headquarters and production site of the Moser-Baer Group and is located in Sumiswald . The group has sales companies in Switzerland (Mobatime AG), in Germany (Bürk Mobatime, formerly Württembergische Uhrenfabrik Bürk ), the Czech Republic (Elekon), Russia (Mobatime Systems) and India (Mobatime India).

Moser-Baer AG (mobatime) in Sumiswald

Among other things, Moser-Baer introduced the first Swiss station clock with the so-called set second in 1947 in collaboration with Hans Hilfiker from the SBB . H. the clock stops every minute for 1.5 seconds to stay in sync. In 1997, Mobatime developed a new watch design for Deutsche Bahn . Today the Moser-Baer Group develops, produces and sells clock and time systems all over the world under the MOBATIME brand. The most important applications are railways, metros, airports, power plants, hospitals, universities and schools, public buildings, etc.

The largest double-sided train station clock in the world, with a diameter of 3.5 meters and a weight of 2 t, was built in Sumiswald in 2002 and transported by helicopter to the roof of the Mobatime AG building. The largest station clock (diameter 9 meters) has been installed on the station building in Aarau since 2010 .

The group is also active in the production and distribution of other own or commercial products. Cooperations in the field of precision mechanics and electronics production are offered under the MOBATEC brand. Thereby u. a. Manufactured instruments for surgical orthopedics and traumatology (medical technology). In-house and commercial products include voice recording solutions ( speaker authentication ), access controls, alarm systems, displays, LED displays, etc.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Mobatime - About Us. Mobatime, accessed May 31, 2020 .
  2. Marc Bürgi: The sensitive photos from Postfinance and Swisscom. In: . April 2, 2019, accessed April 27, 2019 .