Home bullying

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Mobbing in the home - non- violent solutions is a non-fiction book published in 2014 by Markus Dietl. The health scientist describes the forms in which employees and clients are exposed to violence . The author uses case studies to present humanistic solutions.

Book content

In his book, Dietl describes acts of bullying in homes for the elderly, the disabled, youth and refugee homes, as well as psychiatric hospitals and hospitals. He focuses particularly on exclusionary structures that are linked to Johan Galtung's “structural violence” and are referred to as structural bullying by bullying researchers such as Oswald Neuberger . Because if residents or employees are strongly harassed, insulted or beaten, everyone involved quickly reaches the limits of their options for action. Observers have no words and those affected have no opportunity to react. Dietl shows that empathy training in homes can create a culture of partnership. By this, he understands that the supervisors take on the role of a partner-like advisor and that the supervisors participate in supply issues.

Above all, the author makes it clear that not only employees are exposed to acts of bullying, but also home residents. Because there are often large power gaps and economic constraints in homes, the risk of bullying is particularly high there. Dietl's solution is to reduce the power imbalance between the homes and create more eye-level. A partner culture should replace the bullying culture. It does not make sense to simply ignore acts of bullying. Because those affected usually do not manage to cope with bullying on their own. His solution is therefore to develop the empathic competence of all those involved. Because as long as those responsible do not adopt a sensitive attitude, the care will not function adequately. The model of nonviolent communication according to Marshall Rosenberg plays an important role in this. It is based on the four elements: observation, empathy, clarification of needs and request. Because with the help of nonviolent communication , a benevolent connection between people can be established.


Professional Association of German Sociologists

The professional association of German sociologists recommends the book to all people who are confronted with the subject of bullying and / or who deal with people in need of care. “The key to togetherness is compassion for ourselves and for others. It may sound paradoxical, but people are effective when they listen. ”- This statement is quoted by the reviewer Annette Alberer-Leinen. In her BdS newsletter she states that bullying in the home is a highly recommended book on an important topic, especially since this is becoming increasingly important in connection with the demographic development of the population in Germany. She sees the solutions shown as helpful also for private togetherness. Especially when it comes to learning that conflicts do not arise in the first place or to find ways out.

Our youth

Wilhem Topel reviews the book for the specialist magazine Our Youth . In his view, it is an “invitation to various professional groups (for example social workers, social pedagogues, educators, nurses, doctors) to improve their social skills and interdisciplinary cooperation”. In addition to praise, Topel also expresses criticism of some passages in the book. For example, he dislikes the following passages from the foreword of the book: "Through my experiences I can report that there are many fates in Germany that are locked away even though they have not committed anything."


The federal advocacy group for old people and people affected by care (BIVA) believes that the book is aimed primarily at all those who are responsible for old people, people in need of care or socially disadvantaged people, and also at those affected who may not even be aware of it that they have been victims of bullying violence. BIVA also explains that bullying is increasingly being used as a systematic method to prevent criticism from residents, relatives and the home council.

Nursing home portal

Thomas Meinhold from the nursing home portal states with regard to the book that a lack of eye level due to hierarchical structures often makes it difficult to care for with empathy. According to Meinhold, Dietl reveals how that can be changed. The Health Care Management Magazine gives similar reviews.


  • Markus Dietl: Mobbing in the home: Nonviolent solutions , Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2014, ISBN 978-3-658-06250-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. Dietl, M. (2015): Mobbing in the home: Non-violent solutions, Wiesbaden
  2. ^ Galtung J. (1975): Structural violence - contributions to peace and conflict research, Reinbek near Hamburg
  3. Dietl, M. (2015): Mobbing in the home: Non-violent solutions, Wiesbaden
  4. Dietl, M. (2015): Mobbing in the home: Non-violent solutions, Wiesbaden
  5. ^ Goffman, E. (1973): Asyle. About the social situation of psychiatric patients and other inmates, Frankfurt am Main
  6. Rogers, C. (1973): The development of personality, Stuttgart
  7. Rosenberg, M. (2012): Nonviolent Communication - A Language of Life, Paderborn
  8. Alberer-Leinen, A. (2015): Review - Mobbing im Heim. Non-violent solutions , BDS newsletter 1/2015
  9. Topel, W. (2015): Review - Markus Dietl Mobbing in the home. Non-violent solutions , Our Youth, Vol. 5, 237–238
  10. Federal interest group for users of housing and care offers in old age and with disabilities (2014): BIVA-Informations , issue: 20, December 9, 2014 (accessed on June 21, 2015)
  11. Federal interest group for users of housing and care offers for the elderly and with disabilities eV (BIVA), (2014): Mobbing im Heim, book review (accessed on July 21, 2017)
  12. ^ Nursing home portal (2015): Nonviolent communication: A useful concept for bullying in homes , May 20, 2015, (accessed on June 20, 2015)
  13. Partner culture instead of bullying - this is how the change in care facilities succeeds. In: hcm-magazin.de . November 25, 2014, accessed February 7, 2020.