Moenkhausia collettii

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Moenkhausia collettii
Moenkhausia collettii.jpg

Moenkhausia collettii

Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Family : True tetras (Characidae)
Genre : Moenkhausia
Type : Moenkhausia collettii
Scientific name
Moenkhausia collettii
( Steindachner , 1882)

Moenkhausia collettii belongs to the family of the true tetras (Characidae) and is widespread in tropical South America. Its distribution area is in the Amazon basin and extends from Peru to the three Guayanas .


Moenkhausia collettii has an elongated, laterally strongly flattened body and becomes five to seven centimeters long. Corresponding wide distribution area, the species is very variable in color. The basic color is olive to light brown, the back is darker, the belly whitish. There is a dark spot behind the edge of the gill cover . A silvery longitudinal stripe extends from the rear edge of the gill cover to the base of the caudal fin. The iris is silvery, the fins reddish. The base of the anal fin is marked by a black line.

Moenkhausia collettii lives in calm, slowly flowing sections of larger streams over muddy ground. It is a sociable, peaceful schooling fish.


Web links

Commons : Moenkhausia collettii  - collection of images, videos and audio files