Monte dell'Oro

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Monte dell'Oro
Waters Venice lagoon
Geographical location 45 ° 31 '1.4 "  N , 12 ° 24' 59.7"  E Coordinates: 45 ° 31 '1.4 "  N , 12 ° 24' 59.7"  E
Monte dell'Oro (Venice Lagoon)
Monte dell'Oro
surface 1.3 ha
Residents uninhabited

The Monte dell'Oro is a small island in the northern lagoon of Venice . It has an area of ​​0.13 ha and is located opposite Santa Cristina , not far from the three times larger island of Motta dei Cunicci , around 2 km north of Torcello .


There was a church on the island dedicated to San Catoldo. It probably went back to Benedictines . According to legend, gold treasures were buried here, allegedly from Attila , which should explain the name of the island. The settlement of the island by refugees from the Huns in 452 is also legendary .

In 1848 a fortress was built here by the Venetian revolutionaries who were expecting a siege by the Austrians. The island was able to block the narrow passage from Torcello. Only a few ruins remained of the fortress, even if the Austrians continued to expand them after the city was retaken.

In 1994 the island was sold.

Web links


  1. Venice Islands ( memento of March 24, 2009 in the Internet Archive ).
  2. Antonio Luigi de Romanlo: Prospetto delle conseguenze derivatives all lagoon of Venice ai porti, ed all limitrofe provincie dopo la diversione de 'fiumi, analisi e sviluppo della dottrina, coll' applicazione al porto di Malamocco ... , vol 1, Venice. 1815, p. 300.
  3. Ermolao Paoletti: Il fiore di Venezia ossia i quadri, i monumenti, le vedute ed i costumi veneziani , vol. 1, Venice 1837, p. 105.Similar to Fabio Mutinelli: Lessico veneto compilato per agevolare la lettura della storia dell 'antica Repubblica Veneta , Venice 1852, p. 270.
  4. ^ Franc Carrano: Della difesa di Venezia negli anni 1848-49 , Genoa 1850, p. 37.