Montesinos knot

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In knot theory , a branch of mathematics , Montesinos knots or Montesinos links are a class of knots or links. Almost 25% of all nodes with up to 11 crossings are Montesinos nodes.


The Montesinos Loop .

Be an integer and be rational numbers. The - Montesinos-entanglement is one of rational tangles existing entanglement whose -th Tangle in the Conway notation of the rational number corresponds.

If the link is connected, it is the - Montesinos knot .

Montesinos knots with integer coefficients (also ) are called pretzel knots .

Branched Overlays

Montesinos nodes are characterized by the following property: The 2-fold branched overlay of the over is a Seifert fiber with the 2-sphere as the base.

This generalizes Schubert's characterization of rational knots . (In this case, the 2-way branched overlay is a lens space .)

More generally it was shown by Montesinos that the 2-fold branched overlay over an arborescent node is a graph manifold .


A classification of the Montesinos knots and Montesinos tangles was proved by Bonahon in 1979 , other proofs of the classification were given by Zieschang and Turaev .

The result of the classification is: Montesinos interweaving of rational tangles, with and , are classified by the ordered set

(except for cyclic permutations and reversal of the order) together with the rational number


Alternatively, Montesinos links are classified by the quotients of the node group according to the normal divisor generated by the meridians .


  • Gerhard Burde, Heiner Zieschang: Knots. (= de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics. 5). 2nd Edition. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-11-017005-1 , chapter 12.

Individual evidence

  1. José M. Montesinos: Variedades de Seifert que son recubridores ciclicos ramificados de dos hojas. In: Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana. (2) Volume 18, 1973, pp. 1-32.
  2. José M. Montesinos: Revêtements ramifiés de noeuds, espaces fibers de Seifert et scindements de Heegaard. Prépublications Orsay (1979).
  3. ^ F. Bonahon: Involutions et fibers de Seifert dans les variétés de dimension 3rd dissertation. Université Paris-Sud XI - Orsay 1979.
  4. ^ Heiner Zieschang: Classification of Montesinos knots. In: Ludwig D. Faddeev, Arkadii A. Malcev (Ed.): Topology. (= Lecture Notes in Math. 1060). Topological Conference Leningrad 1982. Springer, Berlin 1984, ISBN 3-540-13337-2 , pp. 378-389.
  5. ^ VG Turaev: Classification of oriented Montesinos links via spin structures. In: Topology and geometry — Rohlin Seminar. (= Lecture Notes in Math. 1346). Springer, Berlin 1988, pp. 271-289.