Mordecai Zemach

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Mordechai Zemach (* 1502 in Prague ; † 1591 there; also Mordechai Zemach Katz , Mordechai (Rabbi) Caz , Mordechai Cohen , Mordechai Zemach Cohen , Mordechai ben Gershom Ha-Kohen and Mordecai ben Gershon Kaz , also Mordechai ben Gerson Kaz and Mordechai Zemach Kohen ,) was a Jewish printer from the Gersonid family and co-founder of the Prague Burial Brotherhood .


He was one of four sons of Gerson ben Salomo Kohen Katz (1475–1541) and was buried next to his son Bezalel Zemach (1524–1589) in the old Jewish cemetery in Prague in 1592 . His large children were the sons Pesach ben Mordechai Katz (1522–1569), Solomon ben Mordechai Katz (1528–1594), Samuel ben Mordechai Katz (1532–1578) and Gershom Israel ben Mordechai Katz (1541–1587). His daughter Mirjam Menucha Katz (1530–1558) died like her siblings in Prague.

Chase order

Mordechai Zemach succeeded in 1561 by interceding with Pope Pius IV. To bring about the cancellation of the promise of the expulsion of the Jews by Ferdinand I from Prague. Emperor Ferdinand I (then King) is said to have made this oath to Pope Clement VII in 1526 .


  • Lubomír Jeřábek: The old Prague Jewish cemetery . Prague: Kunstverlag B. Kočí, 1903. (Facsimile reprint Prague: Verlag Karolinum, 2009, ISBN 978-80-246-1719-0 )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. List of names and biographical data , accessed on March 30, 2012
  2. ^ Prague: Old Jewish Cemetery (9) , accessed on March 30, 2012
  3. Moritz Steinschneider: Die Geschistorliteratur der Juden, p. 105 , accessed on March 30, 2012
  4. JM Jost: History of the Israelites since the time of the Maccaneans up to our days, Achter Theil, Berlin, 1828, pages 208 and 209 , accessed on March 30, 2012