Moritz Adolf von Dehn-Rotfelser

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Moritz Adolf von Dehn-Rotfelser (* around 1580; † 1639 ) was an Electoral Saxon officer, partly in Swedish service.



Dehn-Rotfelser was the son of Ernst von Dehn-Rotfelser and his wife Eva von Allenpeck. Apart from his strictly Reformed upbringing, nothing is known about Dehn-Rotfelser's childhood and youth. A relationship with Hans von Dehn-Rothfelser can only be assumed.

Military career

On October 1st, 1633, Colonel Dehn-Rotfelser and his troops faced Wallenstein's army under the command of Count Thurn . They were beaten on the Steinauer Oderbrücke . Dehn-Rotfelser was able to withdraw with a few survivors and get to safety in Breslau .

At the beginning of 1634 the billeting, more precisely because of the lodging, came to a violent dispute between the Swedish Lieutenant General Duke Wilhelm IV of Saxony-Weimar and the Elector Colonel Dehn-Rotfelser. When he marched into Anhalt, the same problems arose with Prince Ludwig I of Anhalt-Köthen .

After the Peace of Prague , Dehn-Rotfelser continued to serve as sergeant-general in the electoral army. At the end of 1637, probably for health reasons, he gave up his military offices and placed his regiment under Colonel Hans von Rochow .

Moritz Adolf von Dehn-Rotfelser then served for a short time as the Electoral Saxon captain of the Stolpen and Radeberg offices in the Meißnian district .

Member of the Fruitful Society

Around February 6, 1638, Lieutenant Colonel Christian Ernst von Knoch was on a diplomatic mission in Dresden on behalf of Prince Ludwig I of Anhalt-Köthen . At the request of Prince Ludwig Dehn-Rotfelser, Knoch accepted into the " Fruit Bringing Society ".

Knoch gave Dehn-Rotfelser the company name “the clever one” and the motto “against heat and poison” . The "Buchampfer" ( Oxalis acetosella L. ) was intended as an emblem for Dehn-Rotfelser . Dehn-Rotfelser's entry can be found in the Koethen Society Register under no. 318. The rhyme law that he wrote on the occasion of his recording is also recorded there:

Because Buchampffer can probably hold back with Vnß,
That fever hits and fever is plague and time refreshes,
So I am sent drumb and responded against
Therefore this herb will also become more known
Alß Eß is gnoßen: One should be gifted skillfully
In his change, and only tend towards the good
So that Satan's attack may be repelled
And hold fast to faith in Christ.


He died unmarried at the age of 59.

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