Moses Goldschmidt

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Moses Goldschmidt (* 1873 in Hamburg , † 1943 in Brazil ) was a German doctor and a Nazi victim.


Moses Goldschmidt came from a respected Jewish-Orthodox merchant family. He studied medicine in several German cities and settled in Hamburg-Sankt-Georg as a doctor after completing his doctorate. In 1939 he had to emigrate to avoid persecution by the Nazis. His two sons had settled in Brazil to start a new life there. He had previously sent his daughter to Paris, where she married a Parse of British citizenship. With the British passport thus acquired, she was reasonably safe from persecution. When Moses left Germany, the National Socialist system had robbed him of all his possessions. So he followed his sons almost penniless and helped them in business. He died in Brazil in 1943 and is buried in the Tristeza cemetery. His handwritten memoirs were found in his estate. The husband of his granddaughter Anita Sundarmi Jay Shroff, Raymond Fromm (grandson of Julius Fromm ) in London, edited the recordings. They were published in 2004 under the title Mein Leben als Jude in Deutschland 1873-1939 .


  • My life as a Jew in Germany 1873-1939 , edited by Raymond Fromm. Verlag Ellert & Richter, Hamburg 2004, ISBN 3-8319-0176-7 .

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