Motonobu Ōde

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Motonobu Ōde or Motonobu Ohde ( Japanese 大 出 元 信 , Ōde Motonobu ; * November 1953 ; † July 11, 2008 ) was a Japanese fusion and jazz musician (guitar).

Motonobu Ohde played from the 1970s a. a. with Maki Asakawa (LP 寂 し い 日 々 , 1975), Ryōjirō Furusawa and from the end of the decade with Hiroshi Murakami , Tamio Kawabata , Takehiro Honda and Kohsuke Mine in the fusion formation Native Son , with whom he released a total of ten albums by 1986. The discographer Tom Lord lists his participation in the field of jazz / fusion between 1978 and 1987 in 12 recording sessions, most recently with Takehiro Honda (Aguncha) .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tom Lord : The Jazz Discography (online, accessed September 1, 2017)