Muhammad Amin Muhammad Ahmad

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Muhammad Amin Muhammad Ahmad (1988)

Muhammad Amin Muhammad Ahmad , more rarely also Mohammed Amin Mohammed (* 1936 , Iraq ) is a former Kurdish politician in Iraq.

As the successor to Babakr al-Pishdari , Ahmad was chairman of the legislative committee (regional parliament) of the Kurdish Autonomous Region in Northern Iraq from 1977 to 1980 , before handing over the chairmanship to Ahmad an-Naqschbandi . From 1980 to 1984 he sat for Dohuk in the National Assembly in Baghdad, then in 1984 he became Deputy Governor of Erbil .

From 1986 to 1989 he was Secretary General (Minister) for Culture and Youth in the Executive Council (regional government) of the Kurdish Autonomous Region under Prime Minister Sirwan Abdullah Hussein .
