Sirwan Abdullah Hussein

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Sirwan al-Jaf (1988)

Sirwan Abdullah Hussein (* 1938 or 1940 in Halabdscha , Iraq ), also occasionally transcribed Serwan Abdallah Husain , called al-Jaf (al-Jaf, i.e. from the Jaf tribe ) is a former Kurdish lawyer and politician in Iraq .

In 1969 he was first deputy governor of Sulaimaniya , then in 1974 governor of Arbil and from 1974 to 1980 as general secretary (minister) for the community and a member of the executive council (regional government) of the Kurdish Autonomous Region in Northern Iraq. He was then elected to the Iraqi National Assembly for Sulaimaniya . Between 1986 and 1989 he was the successor to Yahya al-Jaf as chairman of the executive council (head of government) of the autonomous region before he had to hand over the chairmanship to Jafar Abd al-Karim Barzanji .

During al-Jaf's tenure, the poison gas attack fell on his hometown Halabja (1988) and the Anfal punitive expedition against the Kurds.


  1. The Jaf or Jaf (Jaff) are a Kurdish tribe in the governorates of Sulaimaniya and Halabdscha .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ami Ayalon: Middle East Contemporary Survey, Volume XII (1988) , p. 537. The Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv 1990
  2. a b c Erhard Franz : Kurds and Kurdentum - Contemporary history of a people and its national movements , pages 58f and 116. Communications 30, German Orient Institute Hamburg 1986
  3. Thomas Koszinowski, Hanspeter Mattes: Middle East Yearbook 1988 , page 69. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1989
  4. Tel Aviv University: Middle East Contemporary Survey , Vol. XIII 1989, p. 397. Holmes & Meier, New York 1991