Multilocus Sequence Analysis

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Multi-Locus Sequence Analysis (to German multi locus sequence analysis , MLSA) is a biochemical and bioinformatic method of Phylogenomik to determine degrees of relationship between species and subspecies, especially prokaryotes .


To get a clearer result, a clone is usually isolated by smear . A DNA extraction is carried out on the clone . The MLSA uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to propagate at least five to seven household genes , followed by DNA sequencing of the household genes. The resulting DNA sequences are linked together in silico (“concatenated”) and then subjected to a DNA sequence analysis.

The MLSA can also be combined with Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST), in which only the differing household genes from a previously performed MLST are examined. The MLSA is often used in addition to sequencing the 16S rDNA .


  • SP Glaeser, P. Kämpfer: Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) in prokaryotic taxonomy. In: Systematic and applied microbiology. Volume 38, Number 4, June 2015, pp. 237-245, doi : 10.1016 / j.syapm.2015.03.007 , PMID 25959541 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Michael Goodfellow, Iain Sutcliffe, Jongsik Chun: New Approaches to Prokaryotic Systematics. ISBN 0128001763 . P. 221.
  2. a b c Rainer Kurmayer, Kaarina Sivonen, Annick Wilmotte, Nico Salmaso: Molecular Tools for the Detection and Quantification of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria. ISBN 978-1-119-33210-7 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).