Municipio (Bolivia)
A Bolivian municipality is an administrative district in the South American landlocked state of Bolivia and roughly corresponds to a district in Germany.
Bolivia is subdivided into nine departments below the national level , each of which is administered by a Prefecto ( prefect ) who has been elected by the people since 2005. The departments are divided into 112 provincias ( provinces ) on the third level , each of which is headed by a subprefecto (sub-prefect). The provinces are divided into 327 Municipios (districts) ( as of: 2001 census ). Many of these Municipalities were still in the census of 2001 to the fifth level in Cantones divided (cantons), which in turn in Vicecantones (Subkantone); a canton and a vicecantón are each headed by a corregidor . The seventh and lowest level are localidades .
The Bolivian Law on Participation ("Ley de Participación Popular", LPP) of 1994 introduced a far-reaching decentralization process at the municipality level and thus gave the citizens more opportunities to participate and control:
- First, the central government has entrusted the municipal governments with the social infrastructure and placed them under their administrative responsibility for the areas of education, health, sport, housing and the local road network.
- Secondly, the central government has strengthened the financial power of the municipality by doubling the tax allocations to the municipality to 20% of the total tax revenue, by providing additional financial resources for particularly structurally weak municipality and by introducing the collection of municipal taxes.
- And thirdly, the central government has introduced extensive citizens' control through territorial grassroots organizations ("Organizaciones Territoriales de Base", OTB) and social control committees ("Comité de Vigilancia", CV) at the municipal level, with which the municipal planning processes and financial management of the municipalities are supported can be.
As a result of this decentralization, the number of municipalities has risen from originally twelve (1994) to 327, of which 187 are municipalities with a predominantly indigenous population. Ten years later (as of 2011) the number of Municipios in Bolivia has increased to 339 Municipios by further division of Municipios.
In addition to the central government and the departmental administrations directly dependent on it, municipal corporations under public law have since emerged, headed by elected mayors and city or district administrators.
See also
Web links
- Bolivia - Participation as a contribution to social justice (PDF file; 777 kB)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Municipios de Bolivia, VIDECI EDAN accessed February 18, 2020