Multifidi muscles

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Multifidi muscles
Mm. multifidi of the lower back, lumbar and chest areas in humans
lateral vertebral processes
Spinous process
Stabilization of the spine
Rami dorsales of the spinal nerves

As Musculi multifidi (singular musculus multifidus , from lat much split manifold;. "Feathered much muscles") refers to short, three spinal segments running, rope-like skeletal muscles . They belong to the autochthonous back muscles , stabilize the spine on a segmental level and are found in all mammals.

This muscle group extends from the sacrum to the second cervical vertebra , whereby regional subgroups can be formed:

They find their starting point at the spinous process of the preceding vertebra.


  • Franz-Viktor Salomon: muscle tissue. In: Anatomy for veterinary medicine. Enke, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8304-1007-7 , pp. 147-234.