Museo Arqueológico y de Historia de Elche

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The Museo Arqueológico y de Historia de Elche , MAHE , (German: Historisches und Archäologisches Museum in Elche) is a museum in Elche , a city near Alicante in the Spanish Autonomous Region of Valencia ; it was inaugurated on May 18, 2006. It was built to thematize the 2500 year old history of the place, whose history goes back to the Iberians (600 BC).

The museum complex in the fortress of the Palacio de Altamira shows numerous finds from the city in chronological order. The exhibition introduces the visitor to its history on a “tour through the city”.

The Iberian bust of Dama de Elche , an outstanding testimony to Iberian art, was found a little south of the city in 1897. Due to its supraregional importance, it is not exhibited in the city, but in the Museo Arqueológico Nacional de España in Madrid .

Web links

Commons : Museo Arqueológico y de Historia de Elche  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 38 ° 16 ′ 3.9 "  N , 0 ° 41 ′ 52.2"  W.