Museum KeltenKeller

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Museum KeltenKeller
place Rodheim-Bieber
Archaeological Museum, Celts
opening February 7, 2007
Archeology in the Gleiberger Land eV
Celtic warrior costume in the KeltenKeller museum

The KeltenKeller museum in Rodheim-Bieber was founded in early 2007. Numerous original finds from the Dünsberg are exhibited. The museum is housed in the municipal administration building (Am Mühlberg 9) and, in addition to the exhibition rooms, has connected work rooms and a magazine to ensure that the finds are kept and displayed on site.

Sponsoring association

The museum is run by the Archeology Association in Gleiberger Land e. V. , which was founded in 2005. Members of the association are the excavation team of the excavations on the Dünsberg as well as the friends and supporters of the archeology of the Gleiberger Land in the vicinity of Giessen . The voluntary work of interested laypeople and local researchers as well as international students is professionally managed by archaeologists .

The scientific evaluation of the previous excavations on the Dünsberg is one of the main goals of the association. To do this, the finds from the Dünsberg must be restored and the scientific evaluation financed and guaranteed.

Beyond the Dünsberg, the association supports the preservation of state monuments on a regional basis. This includes excavations of endangered monuments in the ground , a targeted search for as yet unknown sites and keeping a register of monuments.

In a European context, the association took part in the EU-funded project Rome's conquest of Europe: Military aggression, native responses and the European public today , which deals with the warlike expansion of the Roman Empire.

Archäologie im Gleiberger Land eV is a non-profit association and depends on support from donations. In order to finance the restoration of the numerous iron and bronze finds, sponsorships are given for finds. A corresponding certificate is presented to the sponsor and displayed in the KeltenKeller museum.




  • The Dünsberg near Biebertal, Gießen district . Archaeological excavations in a Celtic city. Biebertal 2006, ISBN 3-00-018809-6


Web links

Commons : Museum KeltenKeller (Biebertal)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 50 ° 37 ′ 12.8 "  N , 8 ° 35 ′ 40.1"  E