Music Josef

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Musik Josef ( Japanese 株式会社 美 ら 音 工房 ヨ - ゼ フ , Engl. Musik Josef Co., Ltd. ) is the only Japanese manufacturer of musical instruments that has focused on oboes. The company's headquarters are in Nanjō .

Music Josef was founded in 1986 by the Japanese oboist Yukio Nakamura (* 1954 in Okinawa). After studying music in Munich, he began making oboes on his return to Japan . Yukio Nakamura learned the basics of oboe making from master woodwind instrument maker Helmut Hager (Leipzig), who accompanied him to Japan for 3 months. In the meantime, Musik Josef also produces oboe d'amore , English horns , clarinets and piccolo flutes . His oboes are in great demand on the market and can be found especially in German houses such as the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, the Komische Oper in Berlin and the Hamburg State Opera.

The name Josef came up during his studies in Munich. His fellow students took too much time to pronounce his name, so they called him Josef for the sake of simplicity.

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