Mustapha Cherif

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Mustapha Cherif (born 1950 ) is an Algerian diplomat , politician , academic and essayist. He was Algeria's Ambassador to Egypt and Minister for Higher Education. He is currently a professor at the University of Algiers .

He was a student of Jacques Berque (1910-1995) at the Collège de France .

In 2013 he won the UNESCO Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture together with the Arab British Center (United Kingdom)

In October 2007 he was one of the 138 Muslim signatories of the open letter A common word between you and us, addressed to Christian dignitaries , an appeal for peace and cooperation between the two world religions.

He was one of the delegation participants of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seminars of the Catholic-Muslim Forum .

Web links

References and footnotes

  1. Avant son voyage en Turquie, le pape consulte sur l'islam November 14, 2006 ( Henri Tincq )
  3. On the price initiated by the United Arab Emirates , see .
  4. cf. Mustapha Cherif (Algérie) et l'Arab British Center (Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord), lauréats de la 11e édition - remise du prix à l'UNESCO, à Paris, le jeudi 25 avril 2013 ( French) , (English) , (Arabic) & video
  5. A common word between us and you (summarized short form) (PDF; 186 kB) -
  6. Vatican: Satisfied with conversation with Muslims
  7. Delegations to the 'Second Catholic-Muslim Forum'
  8. Final Statement of the third Seminar of the "Catholic-Muslim Forum" (Rome, November 11-13, 2014), November 13, 2014