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The Library Network Nebis ( Ne tzwerk of B ibliotheken and I nformationsstellen in the S witzerland ) consists of more than 140 libraries and information centers from universities and research institutions from all regions of Switzerland. Nebis is a member of the Informationsverbund Deutschschweiz (IDS), the association of university libraries in German-speaking Switzerland .

The joint online catalog contains around 7 million titles: books, series, magazines and non-book materials . The majority of the documents can be ordered online. The creation of a Nebis or IDS user account is essential for borrowing.

The largest libraries in this network are the Zurich Central Library , the ETH Library Zurich , the EPF Lausanne library and the main library of the University of Zurich ; The Swiss Social Archives in Zurich are also involved . Most of the other libraries are part of the University of Zurich or of universities of applied sciences .

Nebis uses the Aleph library system to manage the library holdings. The search interface for Nebis Research is based on the Primo software. Both Aleph and Primo are products of the Ex Libris Group .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Network of libraries and information centers in Switzerland. Retrieved November 3, 2015 .
  2. NEBIS libraries. Retrieved November 3, 2015 .
  3. ^ Empowering Libraries to Shape the Discovery Experience. Retrieved November 3, 2015 .