Umbilical cord wrapping

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The Nabelschnurumschlingung (NSU) is a common form of the umbilical cord complication. It describes the single or multiple wrapping of one or more parts of the body ( neck , arms , legs or trunk ) with the umbilical cord .

Umbilical cord entanglement is observed in around 20% of births . A long umbilical cord as well as an excessive amount of amniotic fluid ( polyhydramnios ) favor the development of an umbilical cord loop.

A slack wrap does not endanger the oxygen supply to the fetus . However, a tight wrap, especially around the neck, can lead to a significant reduction in blood flow . In such cases, a decrease in the fetal heart rate ( decelerations ) is usually recorded in the CTG . NSU is rarely the cause of intrauterine fetal death .

In the prenatal period , the umbilical cord can be detected with Doppler sonography . A diagnostic or therapeutic consequence can only be derived from this in the case of CTG abnormalities.


  • Alex Novotny: Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology: Textbook for Nursing Professions. W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 2006, ISBN 317018346X , p. 208
  • Jörg Baltzer, Klaus Friese , Michael Graf, Friedrich Wolff: Practice of gynecology and obstetrics: the complete practical knowledge in one volume. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2006, ISBN 3131442611 , p. 295
  • Pschyrembel (Medical Dictionary) . 260th edition, de Gruyter, Berlin 2004
  • Umbilical cord looping on

Web links

Commons : Nuchal cord  - collection of images, videos and audio files
This text is based in whole or in part on the entry umbilical cord looping in Flexikon , a wiki of the DocCheck company . The takeover took place on August 22, 2010 under the then valid GNU license for free documentation .